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These codes genreate the results for 2021 Looking at People Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated SLR CVPR Challenge.

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These codes generate the results for 2021 Looking at People Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated SLR CVPR Challenge.

For running individual parts of the system, see folder docker and/or read code description below.

Code Description

Data generation

Given videos and associated Open Pose joints locations, this script extracts hand regions and saves them as raw images into a HDF5 dataset. Only hands with confident hand joints detection are considered (>0.4).

To generate the training hands:

python /home/data/train /home/data/train_json_keypoints-raw.h5 --out_h5 /home/data/train_hand_images.h5

To generate the validation hands:

python /home/data/val /home/data/val_json_keypoints-raw.h5 --out_h5 /home/data/val_hand_images.h5

To generate the test hands:

python /home/data/test /home/data/test_json_keypoints-raw.h5 --out_h5 /home/data/test_hand_images.h5

Structure of HDF5 dataset

dataset[video_filename]["left_hand"]["images"] - images of left hands from video_filename
dataset[video_filename]["left_hand"]["frames"] - numbers of frames of left hands from video_filename
dataset[video_filename]["left_hand"]["bboxes"] - bounding boxes of left hands from video_filename

The same for "right_hand". Left and right hands are handled independently, thus they can originate from different frames. The genereated HDF5 file is large (>35GB).

Clusters hands by the Open Pose similarity. This script is used to find similar hand-poses in videos of the same sign. One sign can have several different important hand-poses, this script finds all of them.

python /home/data/train_json_keypoints-raw.h5 /home/data/train_labels.csv /home/data/sign_hand_clusters_v03_02.h5

Structure of HDF5 dataset

dataset[sign_class]["samples"] - video filenames (samples) of the given sign_class
dataset[sign_class]["frames"] - frames in which the important hand-pose was discovered (we consider only left hand - in many cases the dominant hand)

Clusters hands by the Open Pose similarity. The clustering is performed on the important hand-poses found in the script This script finds individual important hand-poses composing individual signs (sign sub-clusters). The final clustering is performed on the representatives of these sub-clusters.

python /home/data/train_json_keypoints-raw.h5 /home/data/sign_hand_clusters_v03_02.h5 /home/data/hand_clusters_v03_05.p

Structure of pickle

pickle["hand_clusters"] - the final clustering of different hand-poses from all the signs. Only representative hand-poses are considered. The data are divided into structure - cluster_id -> list of representative indexes.
pickle["index_to_representative"] - information about which representative hand-pose represents which sign and sign sub-cluster.
pickle["hand_samples"] - the individual representative hand-poses in the form of samples and frames. The same as is outputted by the script
pickle["sign_hand_clusters"] - the sign sub-clusters.

Extract key-frames from sign videos. A key-frame is a frame with minimal movement both globally and locally. We extract N frames, which is a parameter of the script. We repeat an algorithm until the desired number of frames is extracted. We compute global movement magnitude from OpenPose joints as a norm of x, y differences of positions. We find the minimum value, set +/- 3 frames to np.inf and repeat.

python /home/data/train_json_keypoints-raw.h5 16 /home/data/key_frames_16.h5

Structure of HDF5 dataset

dataset[video_filename] - for each video (sample) we store an array of N key-frames. Repetition of frames is possible if not enough key-frames are detected.

Utilities for representing Visual Language Embeddings and Location Vectors.

Pre-trained models

Visual Language Embedding

I3D models

ViT models

docker file instructions

OpenPose joint indexes

The locations are from the person's point of view (as caputured in video, must not reflect reality, if the video was mirrored). E.g. Left shoulder means the 'left' shoulder of the person which is on the right side of the image. For hand joints and parts refer to

Index Body part Index Body part Index Body part
0 head 8 left hand wrist 29 right hand wrist
1 neck 9 left root of thumb (CMC) 30 right root of thumb (CMC)
2 right shoulder 10 left thumb 1st joint (MCP) 31 right thumb 1st joint (MCP)
3 right elbow 11 left thumb 2nd joint (DIP) 32 right thumb 2nd joint (DIP)
4 right wrist 12 left thumb fingertip 33 right thumb fingertip
5 left shoulder 13 left index finger MCP 34 right index finger MCP
6 left elbow 14 left index finger PIP 35 right index finger PIP
7 left wrist 15 left index finger DIP 36 right index finger DIP
16 left index fingertip 37 right index fingertip
17 left middle finger MCP 38 right middle finger MCP
18 left middle finger PIP 39 right middle finger PIP
19 left middle finger DIP 40 right middle finger DIP
20 left middle fingertip 41 right middle fingertip
21 left ring finger MCP 42 right ring finger MCP
22 left ring finger PIP 43 right ring finger PIP
23 left ring finger DIP 44 right ring finger DIP
24 left ring fingertip 45 right ring fingertip
25 left pinky finger MCP 46 right pinky finger MCP
26 left pinky finger PIP 47 right pinky finger PIP
27 left pinky finger DIP 48 right pinky finger DIP
28 left pinky fingertip 49 right pinky fingertip

Sign semantics

Based on our prior work ( we can define several "independent" semantic features and compute their presence in a video of a sign.


Represents the location, relative to some fixed body-part, where the main part of the sign occurs. Each SL defines its own locations (by the means of linguists). Unfortunately, the location of articulation does not need to be a discriminative feature of the signs. But we shall pretend it is.

The presence of a location feature in a video is based on an analysis of a histogram of hand locations. The location can be defined per hand.

Universally we can define the following locations:

  • Neutral space - when there is no predominant location - this is relevant only on the level of a sign not a video (eg. each repetition of the same sign happens in different location). Could be a fallback location?
  • Above head
  • Upper part of the face - think of top of the head or forehead, even eyebrows.
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Lower part of the face - as in chin
  • Cheeks
  • Ears
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Chest
  • Waist
  • Arm
  • Wrist - we should make this simply "the other hand"


Movement is linguistically very complex and combines the movement of all the body parts. In this work, we should focus only on hand/arm movement. Maybe we can further disentangle hands and arms? Only short-term movements are considered (eg. "up", "down" movement is ok; "up then down" is not ok)

  • Up-wards
  • Down-wards
  • To the right
  • To the left
  • Moving away from - we can define each hand movement in terms of from which (stationary) body part it moves away
  • Moving to
  • Hold - basically when the hand stops moving
  • Passage - e.g. when a hand moves in front of other body parts - should we use this? how?
  • Contact - important, but how to detect contact? It is hard to distinguish contact and overlap in 2D
  • Twisting - when wrist is stationary, but the hand moves?
  • Symmetric - boolean whether the movement is symmetric


How is the hand oriented.

  • Up-wards
  • Down-wards
  • To the body
  • Away from the body
  • To the right - what is right?
  • To the left - what is left?


These codes genreate the results for 2021 Looking at People Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated SLR CVPR Challenge.






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