My Blender YouTube channel: TL;DR – 3D
- Blender 2.77: Rounded bevel verts/edges
- Blender 2.78: Kinife Project Circle Shape Onto Another Object
- Blender 2.77: Poke Faces
- Blender 2.77: Center-align objects
- Blender 2.7.6: Duplicate and mirror selected mesh in edit mode
- Blender 2.76: Circularize faces/vertices
- Blender 2.7.7: Mirror window sill on house using modifier and empty object
- Blender 2.79: Inset and merge vertices using merge distance option
- Blender 2.78c: Move multiple faces along normals
- Blender 2.79: Using Loop Tools (plugin) gstretch to straighten multiple edges
- How to enable and snap to grid in Blender 3D
- Blender 2.79 Loop Cut Smoothness quick example
- Blender 2.76: Modeling a low poly tree branch
- Blender 2.71: Proportional Editing
- Blender 2.78: View selected via pie menu (useful if no numeric keypad, i.e., on a Mac laptop)
- Blender 2.7.7: Simple 1-unit walls for house
- Blender 2.77: Create new vertex, edge or planar face
- Blender 2.77: Extrude and collapse multiple faces at one time
- Blender 2.78: Bevel without overlapping geometry (clamp)
- Blender 2.78: Proportional edit chalice stem exclude z-axis example
- Blender 2.77: Bevel edge(s) or verticies
- Blender 2.77: Select Faces By Sides
- Blender 2.78: Roll camera around view
- Draw Vert Ngon Closed Path, Fill Face, Extrude: Semi-Organic Low Poly Plateau
- Dissolve unused verts
- Pro tip: High poly paint and bake to low poly
- Navigation
- Shaders
- Sculpt mode
- Voxel sculpting
- Wacom mapping
- Basic commands in Dope Sheet view:
- Dope Sheet Basic usage
- Action Editor
- Inherit rotation and scale
- Duplicate keyframes
- Reverse pose paste
- Play animation
- Hide bones
- Keyframe interpolation
- Breakdown slider
- Links
- Prepping mesh for rig
- Quick-start rigging TL;DR
- Rigging tips
- Links
- Naming, using scenes
- Clear scale, rotation and position
- Pivot point origin
- UI window management
- Shade smooth, bevel and split
- Normals auto smooth
- Blender 2.77: Create new vertex, edge or planar face
- Duplicate and Mirror mesh
- Repeat last command
- Isolate object/selection
- Horizontally-scrollable tool menus
- Mirror modifier settings:
- Vertex Groups
- Backface Culling
- Blender grid size
- Quad view
- Walkthrough/flythrough
- Spin, sweep or lathe
- Separating
- Start Blender app from command line
- Apply transformation
- Flatten edges
- Weighted edge creases
- Duplicate
- Poke faces
- Auto merge verts
- Grease pencil
- Sculpting
- Camera clip
- Edge slide
- Toggle sidebars
- Fill a hole
- Make face circular
- Layers
- Using Karabiner to make FN and number keys work
- Proportional Editing
- Subdivide
- Triangulate
- Vert slide along edge
- Shear edge(s)
- Cut or Join
- Individual origins as center
- Bevel
- Screen capture
- Properties
- 3D cursor
- Snap to grid
- Snap
- Move object(s) origin to cursor
- Delete/dissolve
- Bending
- Array modifier
- Create new objects, quickly
- Contextual menus
- View modes
- Views
- Moving around
- Selecting things
- De-selecting things
- Deleting or hiding things
- Focus selection
- Mesh Select Mode
- Grow selection
- Edge and face loop select
- Separate the selection into a new object
- Selection mode
- Select similar
- Select Faces By Sides
- Object or edit modes
- Extrude, inset, rotate, scale and move
- Merge faces
- Loop cut
- Center pivot to newly joined object
- Point of origin
- Groups, parents and joins
- Boolean
- Bool tool add-on
- Copy/paste
- Plugin installation
- Export SVG from Illy to Blender
- Convert to: Curve from mesh or mesh from curve
- Maths in Blender fields