Design and Development of the Evaluation Process Management Platform in Benin on behalf of the Office for the Evaluation of Public Policies and the Analysis of Government Action with the technical and financial support of UNICEF.
The platform is accessible at
PHP Framework CodeIgniter 3.1 is used for the development
PHP version 5.6 or newer is recommended.
Mysql or MariaDB is required
1- Import the SQL File (beppaag.sql) in the repository directory to a blank Mysql/MariaDB database.
2- Change the parameters in config.php (application >> config >> config.php) accordingly, especially the BASE_URL
3- Edit the database paremeters in database.php (application >> config >> database.php) accordingly using your mysql/mariadb parameters
You are set to go !
The platform is accessible at the defined <BASE_URL>
The admin area is accessible at <BASE_URL>/admin with the following credentials :
email : [email protected]
password : password
Enjoy !