Website built upon Jekyll to support the 2015 Birmingham Sports Awards
- NodeJS
- Grunt
- Bower
- Ruby
- Jekyll
These instructions expect that you have Ruby and NodeJS already installed.
bundle install
npm install
bower install
Visit the url localhost:3000 to view the site.
For testing and proofing we deploy to a staging server before deploying to production.
grunt stage
This deploys to the staging server
All commits and merges to the master branch that pass our CI tests will be automatically deployed to our production server.
During the Alpha/Beta stages, due to constant changes, documentation will be mainly written in-line. With a dedicated section being created at the first major release.
|- _scripts – contains useful scripts to help with
| development of this project
|- _site – compiled development files (not committed)
|- web
| |- _awards – markdown content for each award
| |- _data – content to be used across the site
| |- _includes – partial snippets of code to be used
| | in layouts
| |- _layouts – page layouts
| |- _partners – markdown content for each partner
| |- _posts - markdown files of news posts
| |- media -
| |- static -
| |- {**/*.txt,html,md} - content for website pages
|- _config.yml - Jekyll config file
|- gruntfile.js
|- package.json
If you spot any issues please create a ticket via GitHub's Issue Tracker. If the issue is security related please use the contact information below.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
The source is opened for educational purposes. No rights are assigned to any downloads or forks.
Unless otherwise stated all code and content remain copyright © Trinity Mirror. All rights reserved.