Tags: michaeloed/npcap
Toggle v0.78's commit message
Showed the in-use DLL's full path in the message of uninstaller.
Toggle v0.11's commit message
Updated the WDK from 10.0.10586 to 10.0.14393.
Toggle v0.10-r18's commit message
Improved the error message of invalid adapter name in WlanHelper.
Toggle v0.10-r17's commit message
Built WlanHelper.exe in Unicode instead of Multi-Byte. This will fix …
…the wrong display of non-English characters.
Toggle v0.10-r16's commit message
Fixed the string output of WlanHelper's "modu" command.
Toggle v0.10-r15's commit message
Fixed the bug that using Npcap to capture at the first time causes li…
…mited connectivity on Wi-Fi adapters.
Toggle v0.10-r14's commit message
Used different WFP callout GUIDs for npcap.sys and npf.sys.
Toggle v0.10-r13's commit message
Bumped the verion to "0.10 r13".
Toggle v0.10-r12's commit message
Fixed the issue that Nping shows both protocol unreachable and succes…
…sful replies for "nping <Local IP>".
Toggle v0.10-r11's commit message
Fixed the issue that Nping shows both protocol unreachable and succes…
…sful replies for "nping".
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