This library provides an abstraction layer around the WSO2 API Manager Publisher and Store APIs to try and make it as easy as possible to programatically interact with them. It is built and tested around version 1.9.0 of the WSO2 API Manager, you can find the Publisher API documentation here and the Store API documentation here.
To use the library from a program you will need to add a dependency to your project. In gradle you would do this by adding the following to your build.gradle file:
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.github.michaelruocco', name: 'wso2-api-manager-client', version: '5.0.4'
Before making any calls to the publisher you need to create an instance of the publisher client, all you need to do is pass the host url of your API manager instance as shown below:
String host = "https://localhost:9443";
ApiPublisherClient publisherClient = new DefaultApiPublisherClient(host);
Before making any calls to the store you need to create an instance of the store client, all you need to do is pass the host url of your API manager instance as shown below:
String host = "https://localhost:9443";
ApiStoreCient storeClient = new DefaultApiStoreClient(host);
The login method will throw an exception if the login fails, otherwise it will return a true boolean value, it will behave in exactly the same way for the both the publisher and store clients.
Once you have an instance of either client you need to log in, you do this by passing credentials containing a user name and password as shown in the example below:
String username = "admin";
String password = "admin";
Credentials credentials = new Credentials(username, password);
Once you have completed whatever actions you are looking to perform, you need to log out you do this simply by calling the logout method.
The logout method will throw an exception if the login fails, otherwise it will return a true boolean value, again, it will behave in exactly the same way for the both the publisher and store clients.
Once you have logged in you can get a list of all the currently deployed apis by calling the listAll method, it will return you a list of ApiSummary objects containing some high level details about each api that is deployed.
List<ApiSummary> summaries = publisherClient.listAll();
You can iterate over the list and get details such as the API name, version, provider and status.
It is also possible to get the details for a specific API, to do this you need to provide the name, version and provider of the API using the SelectApiParams interface. There is a default implementation that you can use as shown in the example below. The ApiSummary class returned when listing all APIs also implements this interface so it is possible to use those to get the full API details, this is also shown below.
Using DefaultSelectApiParams:
SelectApiParams params = new DefaultSelectApiParams()
Api api = publisherClient.getApi(params);
Using ApiSummary:
List<ApiSummary> summaries = client.listAll();
for (ApiSummary summary : summaries) {
Api api = publisherClient.getApi(summary);
To create an api you need to create an instance of DefaultAddApiParams, there are various parameters that need to be set, you can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The addApi call will return true if successful and will throw an ApiPublisherException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might create an API is shown below:
DefaultAddApiParams params = new DefaultAddApiParams();
params.setDescription("Rest Product API");
params.setTags("prod", "rest-product", "product");
params.setSwagger("{\"consumes\":[\"application/json\"],\"info\":{\"description\":\"rest-taxonomy : (build 20170103134850)\",\"title\":\"rest-taxonomy\",\"version\":\"v1\"},\"paths\":{\"/z20170103134850\":{\"get\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{}},\"x-auth-type\":\"Application\",\"x-throttling-tier\":\"Unlimited\"}},\"/{catalog}/paged*\":{\"get\":{\"parameters\":[{\"description\":\"Catalog id (for ex. GroupMasterProductCatalog)\",\"in\":\"path\",\"name\":\"catalog\",\"required\":true,\"type\":\"string\"},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"limit\",\"required\":true,\"type\":\"integer\"},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"offset\",\"required\":true,\"type\":\"integer\"}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{}},\"x-auth-type\":\"Application\",\"x-throttling-tier\":\"Unlimited\"}}},\"produces\":[\"application/json\"],\"schemes\":[\"https\"],\"swagger\":\"2.0\"}");
params.setEndpointConfig("{\"production_endpoints\": {\"url\":\"\", \"config\": null},\"endpoint_type\":\"http\"}");
You can also check whether or not an api exists simply by passing the name of the API as shown below:
String name = "rest-product";
boolean exists = publisherClient.apiExists(name);
In order to update an API you will need to get the API details as described above, those API details can then be used to create an instance of DefaultUpdateApiParams. Once you have an instance you can override the properties that you want to update and set them with a new value. Additionally, because of a bug with the publisher API you will also always have to provide an up to date swagger definition of the API, even if you are not changing the definition itself. An example is shown below:
// first you need to get the existing API details
DefaultSelectApiParams params = new DefaultSelectApiParams()
Api api = publisherClient.getApi(params);
// you can use the API details and a converter to create some update parameters
ApiToUpdateApiParamsConverter converter = new ApiToUpdateApiParamsConverter();
DefaultUpdateApiParams updateParams = converter.convert(api);
// swagger always needs to be set even if not updating due to a bug
// with the update API
In order to set the status of an API you will need to get the API details as described above, those API details can then be used to create an instance of DefaultSetStatusParams. Once you have an instance you will need to set the status using the ApiStatus enum, you can also set whether to publish to the gateway and whether resubscription is required, the default values are true and false respectively. An example is shown below:
// first you need to get the existing API details
DefaultSelectApiParams params = new DefaultSelectApiParams()
Api api = publisherClient.getApi(params);
// you can use the API details and a converter to create some update parameters
ApiToSetStatusParamsConverter converter = new ApiToSetStatusParamsConverter();
DefaultSetStatusParams setStatusParams = converter.convert(api);
Once you have logged in you can get a list of all the currently created applications by calling the listAllApplications method, it will return you a list of ApiApplication objects containing some high level details about each application that is deployed.
List<ApiApplication> applications = storeClient.listAllApplications();
You can iterate over the list and get details such as the API name, version, provider and status.
To create an application you need to create an instance of AddApplicationParams, there are various parameters that need to be set, you can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The addApplication call will return true if successful and will throw an ApiStoreException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might create an application is shown below:
DefaultAddApplicationParams params = new DefaultAddApplicationParams();
To remove an application you need to pass the name of the application. You can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The removeApplication call will return true if successful and will throw an ApiStoreException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might create an application is shown below:
To add a subscription to an API for an application you need to create an instance of AddSubscriptionParams, there are various parameters that need to be set, you can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The addSubscription call will return true if successful and will throw an ApiStoreException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might create a subscription is shown below:
DefaultAddSubscriptionParams params = new DefaultAddSubscriptionParams();
To remove a subscription to an API for an application you need to create an instance of RemoveSubscriptionParams, there are various parameters that need to be set, you can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The removeSubscription call will return true if successful and will throw an ApiStoreException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might remove a subscription is shown below:
DefaultRemoveSubscriptionParams params = new DefaultRemoveSubscriptionParams();
To get the subscriptions to an API you need to create an instance of SelectApiParams, there are various parameters that need to be set, you can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The getSubscriptionsByAPI call will return a list of subscriptions if successful and will throw an ApiStoreException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might get subscriptions for an API is shown below:
DefaultSelectApiParams params = new DefaultSelectApiParams();
List<ApiSubscription> subscriptions = storeClient.getSubscriptionsByApi(params);
To generate an application key you need to create an instance of GenerateApplicationKeyParams, there are various parameters that need to be set, you can find the details by reading the API manager documentation.
The generateApplicationKey call will return an ApplicationKey if successful and will throw an ApiStoreException if an error occurs.
An example of how you might generate an application key is shown below:
DefaultGenerateApplicationKeyParams params = new DefaultGenerateApplicationKeyParams();
ApplicationKey key = storeClient.generateApplicationKey(params);
This project is covered by both unit tests and integration tests. The integration tests make use of docker, so you will need to have a docker daemon running on your machine for them to work.
The integration tests also take around 2 or 3 minutes to run, this is why they have been split out from the unit tests so each set of tests can be run independently.
To run just the unit tests you can run the command:
gradlew clean build -x integrationTest
The integration tests make use of docker, so you will need to have a docker daemon running on your machine for them to work.
To run just the integration tests you can run the command:
gradlew clean build -x test
Finally to run all the integration tests you can run the command:
gradlew clean build
If you are trying to run the integration tests directly in your IDE rather than using the gradle tasks provided then you will need to set the JVM argument to point at the truststore provided in the project at:
For example:
You can check the current dependencies used by the project to see whether or not they are currently up to date by running the following command:
gradlew dependencyUpdates