A minimal MVC pattern for ES6 applications.
This should provide the wiring for data binding and SOC, with no additional features. (app.js)
Set up for ES6 modules with sourcemaps, Karma, and Less.
Install: npm install
Build: gulp
(or gulp dev
/gulp prod
Test: npm test
Run: dist/index.html
commentForm/CommentForm.js - (demo here)
import * as app from "../../lib/app";
import Model from "./Model"
import View from "./View"
import Controller from "./Controller"
"use strict"
Example module
export default class {
constructor() {
return app.add("commentForm", Model, View, Controller);
import * as app from "../../lib/app";
"use strict"
Extends app.Model
Methods: `set()`, `get()`, `on('setPre'|'setPost'|'change')`
export default class extends app.Model {
constructor() {
// Arbitrary method
this.sanitize = props => {
for (const p in props) {
if (props.hasOwnProperty(p) && typeof props[p] === "string") {
props[p] = props[p].replace(/[^\w\s'!.,;]/g, '');
return props;
// Set listener
this.on('setPre', props => this.sanitize(props));
// Populate model
comment: '',
date: Date.now()
// Set by path
this.set('user.name', 'Guest');
import * as app from "../../lib/app";
"use strict"
Extends app.View
Properties: `el`
Methods: `get()`, `getAll()` for DOM selectors
export default class extends app.View {
constructor() {
// Set DOM ref
this.el = document.getElementById("commentForm");
import * as app from "../../lib/app";
"use strict"
Extends `app.Controller`
Properties: `model`, `view`
Methods: `bind()` for DOM selectors
export default class extends app.Controller {
constructor() {
// Update view when model changes
this.model.on('change', () => {
let comment = this.model.get('comment');
if (comment) {
comment = `<div>${this.model.get('user.name')}: ${comment}</div>`;
this.view.get('.commentArea').innerHTML = comment;
// Example 2 way bindings
'#name': (el, model, view, controller) => {
el.onkeyup = () => {
model.set('user.name', el.value);
model.on('setPost', () => {
el.value = model.get('user.name');
'#comment': (el, model, view, controller) => {
el.onkeyup = () => {
model.set('comment', el.value);
model.on('setPost', () => {
el.value = model.get('comment');