Kun-peng: an ultra-fast, low-memory footprint and accurate taxonomy classifier for all
An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
A Practical and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit, also supports creating NCBI-style taxdump files for custom taxonomies like GTDB/ICTV
Maximum likelihood inference of time stamped phylogenies and ancestral reconstruction
sensitive and precise assembly of short sequencing reads
MetaMDBG: a lightweight assembler for long and accurate metagenomics reads.
Code and data for Williams, Zipkin & Brodie 2024 (Nature Communications)
colorblind friendly color palettes and ggplot2 graphic system extensions for publication-quality scientific figures
Snakemake Pipeline to check the requirements for a prokaryotic assembly to be included in the SeqCode initiative
LexicMap: efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomes
Bin Chicken - recovery of low abundance and taxonomically targeted metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) through strategic coassembly
Melon: metagenomic long-read-based taxonomic identification and quantification using marker genes
Metapresence is a Python tool to calculate metrics to assess the evenness of the coverage distribution on DNA sequences, in order to infer their presence in a given sample.
MICROPHERRET: MICRObial PHEnotypic tRait ClassifieR using machine lEarning Techniques
A modern resume template written in Typst, inspired by Awesome-CV