An Ionic-AngularJS Todo Mobile App. Programmed using the Ionic Framework Ionic Framework. Based on the example given on the Ionic Website. The Ionic Framework allows native type mobile apps to be created using AngularJS, HTML5, CSS and Cordova/Phonegap
Allows projects to be created and deleted. Each project can contain a list of tasks. Tasks can be created and deleted for each project.
Uses the following concepts:
side-menu : navigation
template file : stores data in template-cache, allows code to be removed from Index.html
HTML5 localstorage
checkbox input type : I did not use ion-checkbox as it did not work well for me along with ion-list
ng-change : to track changes to state of checkbox
option-buttons : used to show delete buttons for both projects and tasks
AngularJS form Validation (bypassing HTML5 validation)
Learning AngularJS and how it can be used to create native type mobile phone Apps using Ionic, HTML5, CSS3 and Cordova (previously called Phone Gap)
Michael Cullen 2014