👉 Figma Link: VS Code Toolkit
Begin by duplicating this file to your Drafts. This is the only way to re-use this file as a team library:
Next, Publish Styles & Components as a team library. You can also rename & move this file to a team project if you wish to use this with others.
Create a new file and enable the team library for your file:
Install the Codicon and Seti icon fonts to use the glyphs. Make sure you reload your Figma file after you’ve installed the fonts:
Link: Codicons
Link: Seti
You can now search for components using the “Assets” panel or you can go to the master library and copy components and paste them into your file.
Ensure that when you paste components that they are instances:
Most components will have various states that you can swap to, which should retain their overrides:
Use the “Visual Studio Code Icons” Figma plugin to copy icon glyphs:
Figma Plugin: Visual Studio Code Icons
All icons can be replaced by pasting a glyph. Ensure that you use the correct icon style for either Codicons or Seti icons.
Seti icons have color styles that you can also use.
A quick way to get started is to copy one of the “Templates” and detach the symbol to start making edits.
Below is a mapping of the colors that are used in the Figma to their color tokens (alpha channel in parenthesis). This only covers the default (dark) theme for now.
Color Name | Color token |
Base 01 | activityBar.dropBackground (1f) activityBar.foreground activityBar.inactiveForeground (99) activityBarBadge.foreground badge.foreground button.foreground editor.rangeHighlightBackground (0b) extensionBadge.remoteForeground extensionButton.prominentForeground list.activeSelectionForeground menu.selectionForeground menubar.selectionBackground (1a) panel.dropBackground (1f) peekViewResult.fileForeground peekViewResult.selectionForeground peekViewTitleLabel.foreground sideBar.dropBackground (1f) statusBar.debuggingForeground statusBar.foreground statusBar.noFolderForeground statusBarItem.activeBackground (2e) statusBarItem.hoverBackground (1f) statusBarItem.prominentForeground statusBarItem.remoteForeground tab.activeForeground tab.inactiveForeground (80) tab.unfocusedActiveForeground (80) tab.unfocusedInactiveForeground (40) terminal.selectionBackground (40) textSeparator.foreground (2e) |
Base 02 | checkbox.foreground dropdown.foreground settings.checkboxForeground settings.dropdownForeground |
Base 03 | panelTitle.activeForeground panelTitle.inactiveForeground (99) settings.headerForeground |
Base 04 | terminal.ansiBrightWhite terminal.ansiWhite |
Base 05 | editor.foreground editorSuggestWidget.foreground foreground |
Base 06 | breadcrumb.foreground (cc) descriptionForeground (b3) editorWidget.foreground foreground input.foreground menu.foreground menubar.selectionForeground notifications.foreground peekViewTitleDescription.foreground (b3) settings.numberInputForeground settings.textInputForeground terminal.foreground titleBar.activeForeground titleBar.inactiveForeground (99) |
Base 07 | editorActiveLineNumber.foreground editorLineNumber.activeForeground |
Base 08 | menu.separatorBackground peekViewResult.lineForeground sideBarTitle.foreground |
Base 09 | editorOverviewRuler.bracketMatchForeground editorOverviewRuler.selectionHighlightForeground (cc) editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightForeground (cc) |
Base 10 | imagePreview.border (59) panel.border (59) panelTitle.activeBorder (59) sideBarSectionHeader.background (33) terminal.border (59) |
Base 11 | editorOverviewRuler.border (4d) textBlockQuote.background (1a) |
Base 12 | editorOverviewRuler.commonContentForeground (66) merge.commonContentBackground (29) merge.commonHeaderBackground (66) |
Base 13 | editorHoverWidget.border editorSuggestWidget.border editorWidget.border settings.dropdownListBorder |
Base 14 | checkbox.background checkbox.border dropdown.background dropdown.border input.background settings.checkboxBackground settings.checkboxBorder settings.dropdownBackground settings.dropdownBorder titleBar.activeBackground titleBar.inactiveBackground (99) |
Base 15 | editor.findRangeHighlightBackground (66) editor.inactiveSelectionBackground |
Base 16 | activityBar.background debugToolBar.background |
Base 17 | notificationCenterHeader.background notifications.border |
Base 18 | settings.numberInputBackground settings.textInputBackground |
Base 19 | breadcrumbPicker.background editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground editorHoverWidget.background editorSuggestWidget.background editorWidget.background menu.background notifications.background peekViewResult.background quickInput.background sideBar.background tab.border |
Base 20 | breadcrumb.background editor.background editorGroupHeader.noTabsBackground editorGutter.background editorPane.background panel.background peekViewTitle.background tab.activeBackground tab.unfocusedActiveBackground terminal.background |
Base 21 | editorUnnecessaryCode.opacity (aa) listFilterWidget.outline (00) scrollbar.shadow statusBarItem.prominentBackground (80) statusBarItem.prominentHoverBackground (4d) terminal.ansiBlack widget.shadow |
Blue 01 | editorInfo.foreground editorMarkerNavigationInfo.background editorOverviewRuler.infoForeground |
Blue 02 | editorOverviewRuler.incomingContentForeground (80) merge.incomingContentBackground (33) merge.incomingHeaderBackground (80) |
Blue 03 | notificationLink.foreground pickerGroup.foreground textLink.activeForeground textLink.foreground |
Blue 04 | editor.hoverHighlightBackground (40) editor.selectionBackground |
Blue 05 | tab.activeModifiedBorder tab.inactiveModifiedBorder (80) tab.unfocusedActiveModifiedBorder (80) tab.unfocusedInactiveModifiedBorder (40) |
Blue 06 | editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground list.highlightForeground |
Blue 07 | activityBarBadge.background editorOverviewRuler.addedForeground (99) editorOverviewRuler.deletedForeground (99) editorOverviewRuler.modifiedForeground (99) editorOverviewRuler.rangeHighlightForeground (99) extensionBadge.remoteBackground inputOption.activeBorder (00) inputValidation.infoBorder peekView.border statusBar.background textBlockQuote.border (80) |
Blue 08 | button.background |
Blue 09 | list.activeSelectionBackground menu.selectionBackground |
Blue 10 | editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground list.focusBackground |
Blue 11 | peekViewEditor.background peekViewEditorGutter.background |
Red 01 | editorInfo.foreground editorLightBulbAutoFix.foreground editorMarkerNavigationInfo.background editorOverviewRuler.infoForeground notificationsInfoIcon.foreground |
Red 02 | editorOverviewRuler.incomingContentForeground (80) merge.incomingContentBackground (33) merge.incomingHeaderBackground (80) |
Red 03 | notificationLink.foreground pickerGroup.foreground textLink.activeForeground textLink.foreground |
Red 04 | editor.hoverHighlightBackground (40) editor.selectionBackground minimap.selectionHighlight |
Green 01 | gitDecoration.addedResourceForeground editor.focusedStackFrameHighlightBackground gitDecoration.untrackedResourceForeground editorLink.activeForeground |
Green 02 | editorOverviewRuler.incomingContentForeground (80) merge.incomingContentBackground (33) merge.incomingHeaderBackground (80) terminal.ansiBrightGreen |
Green 03 | statusBarItem.remoteBackground editorGutter.addedBackground |
Green 04 | extensionButton.prominentBackground extensionButton.prominentHoverBackground editorBracketMatch.background |
Purple 01 | editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightStrongForeground gitDecoration.conflictingResourceForeground |
Purple 02 | terminal.ansiMagenta terminal.ansiBrightMagenta |
Purple 03 | statusBar.noFolderBackground |
Yellow 01 | gitDecoration.modifiedResourceForeground textPreformat.foreground |
Yellow 02 | editorMarkerNavigationWarning.background editorOverviewRuler.warningForeground editorWarning.foreground list.warningForeground |
Yellow 03 | inputValidation.warningBorder list.invalidItemForeground inputValidation.warningBackground |
Yellow 04 | charts.yellow debugConsole.warningForeground (☀️) editorMarkerNavigationWarning.background (☀️) editorMarkerNavigationWarning.headerBackground (☀️) editorOverviewRuler.warningForeground (☀️) editorWarning.foreground (☀️) minimap.warningHighlight (☀️) notificationsWarningIcon.foreground (☀️) problemsWarningIcon.foreground |
Yellow 05 | terminal.ansiYellow terminal.ansiBrightYellow editor.stackFrameHighlightBackground |
Orange 01 | statusBar.debuggingBackground editorOverviewRuler.findMatchForeground (7e) minimap.findMatchHighlight |
Orange 02 | peekViewEditor.matchHighlightBackground editor.findMatchHighlightBackground (55) peekViewResult.matchHighlightBackground (4d) |
Orange 03 | editor.findMatchHighlightBackground editor.symbolHighlightBackground list.filterMatchBackground peekViewResult.matchHighlightBackground searchEditor.findMatchBackground editor.findMatchHighlightBackground (☀️) editor.symbolHighlightBackground (☀️) list.filterMatchBackground (☀️) peekViewResult.matchHighlightBackground (☀️) searchEditor.findMatchBackground |
Gray 01 | interactive.inactiveCodeBorder (☀️) list.inactiveSelectionBackground |
Gray 02 | button.secondaryBackground (☀️) |
If you'd like to contribute components, please create a PR with a link to your Figma file that has the proposed the components. Please re-use the same naming convention found in the rest of the file. Depending on the
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