- Utrecht, The Netherlands
Anomaly Detection on a Robotic Vehicle Using Machine Learning
acgcn Public
Code for the paper "Spot What Matters: Learning Context Using Graph Convolutional Networks for Weakly-Supervised Action Detection"
jss Public
Fast Jaccard similarity search for abstract sets (documents, products, users, etc.) using MinHashing and Locality Sensitve Hashing
deti Public
Deterministic Identification of Discrete-Time State Space Systems.
MATLAB BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedApr 14, 2020 -
RecommenderSystem Public
Movie Recommendation Using Matrix Factorization.
DecisionTrees-LinkPrediction Public
Comparison of Hellinger Distance and C4.5 Decision Tree for the Class Imbalance Problem of Link Prediction.
airbnb-price-prediction Public
Predictive Analysis of Price on Amsterdam Airbnb Listings Using Ordinary Least Squares.