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Tags: miftahfauzy/pony



Toggle v0.7.13's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.13 (2020-03-03)

This release does not contains new features or bugfixes. Its goal is to test automatic release building and uploading


Toggle v0.7.12's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.12 (2020-02-04)

# Features

* CockroachDB support added
* CI testing for SQLite, PostgreSQL & CockroachDB

# Bugfixes

* Fix translation of getting array items with negative indexes
* Fix string getitem translation for slices and negative indexes
* PostgreSQL DISTINCT bug fixed for queries with ORDER BY clause
* Fix date difference syntax in PostgreSQL
* Fix casting json to dobule in PostgreSQL
* Fix count by several columns in PostgreSQL
* Fix PostgreSQL MIN and MAX expressions on boolean columns
* Fix determination of interactive mode in PyCharm
* Fix column definition when `sql_default` is specified: DEFAULT should be before NOT NULL
* Relax checks on updating in-memory cache indexes (don't throw CacheIndexError on valid cases)
* Fix deduplication logic for attribute values


Toggle v0.7.11's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.11 (2019-10-23)

# Features

* ponyorm#472: Python 3.8 support
* Support of hybrid functions (inlining simple Python functions into query)
* ponyorm#438: support datetime-datetime, datetime-timedelta, datetime+timedelta in queries

# Bugfixes

* ponyorm#430: add ON DELETE CASCADE for many-to-many relationships
* ponyorm#465: Should reconnect to MySQL on OperationalError 2013 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'
* ponyorm#468: Tuple-value comparisons generate incorrect queries
* ponyorm#470 fix PendingDeprecationWarning of imp module
* Fix incorrect unpickling of objects with Json attributes
* Check value of discriminator column on object creation if set explicitly
* Correctly handle Flask current_user proxy when adding new items to collections
* Some bugs in syntax of aggregated queries were fixed
* Fix syntax of bulk delete queries
* Bulk delete queries should clear query results cache so next select will get correct result from the database
* Fix error message when hybrid method is too complex to decompile


Toggle v0.7.10's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.10 (2019-04-20)

# Bugfixes

* Python3.7 and PyPy decompiling fixes
* Fix reading NULL from Optional nullable array column
* Fix handling of empty arrays in queries
* ponyorm#415: error message typo
* ponyorm#432: PonyFlask - request object can trigger teardown_request without real request
* Fix GROUP CONCAT separator for MySQL


Toggle v0.7.9's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.9 (2019-01-21)

# Bugfixes

* Fix handling of empty arrays and empty lists in queries
* Fix reading optional nullable array columns from database


Toggle 0.7.8's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.8 (2019-01-19)

# Bugfixes

* ponyorm#414: prefetching Optional relationships fails on 0.7.7
* Fix a bug caused by incorrect deduplication of column values


Toggle v0.7.8's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.8 (2019-01-19)

# Bugfixes

* ponyorm#414: prefetching Optional relationships fails on 0.7.7
* Fix a bug caused by incorrect deduplication of column values


Toggle 0.7.7's commit message
PonyORM release 0.7.7 (2019-01-17)

# Major features

* Array type support for PostgreSQL and SQLite
* isinstance() support in queries
* Support of queries based on collections: select(x for x in y.items)

# Other features

* Support of**kwargs)
* Support of SKIP LOCKED option in 'SELECT ... FOR UPDATE'
* New function make_proxy(obj) to make cros-db_session proxy objects
* Specify ON DELETE CASCADE/SET NULL in foreign keys
* Support of LIMIT in `SELECT FROM (SELECT ...)` type of queries
* Support for negative JSON array indexes in SQLite

# Improvements

* Improved query prefetching: use fewer number of SQL queries
* Memory optimization: deduplication of values recieved from the database in the same session
* increase DBAPIProvider.max_params_count value

# Bugfixes

* ponyorm#405: breaking change with cx_Oracle 7.0: DML RETURNING now returns a list
* ponyorm#380: db_session should work with async functions
* ponyorm#385: test fails with python3.6
* ponyorm#386: release unlocked lock error in SQLite
* ponyorm#390: TypeError: writable buffers are not hashable
* ponyorm#398: add auto coversion of numpy numeric types
* ponyorm#404: GAE local run detection
* Fix Flask compatibility: add support of LocalProxy object
* db_session(sql_debug=True) should log SQL commands also during db_session.__exit__()
* Fix duplicated table join in FROM clause
* Fix accessing global variables from hybrid methods and properties
* Fix m2m collection loading bug
* Fix composite index bug:
* Fix MyEntity[obj.get_pk()] if pk is composite
* MySQL group_concat_max_len option set to max of 32bit platforms to avoid truncation
* Show all attribute options in show(Entity) call
* For nested db_session retry option should be ignored
* Fix py_json_unwrap
* Other minor fixes


Toggle 0.7.6's commit message
Pony ORM Release 0.7.6 (2018-08-10)

# Features since 0.7.5:

* f-strings support in queries: `select(f'{} - {s.age}' for s in Student)`
* ponyorm#344: It is now possible to specify offset without limit: `query.limit(offset=10)`
* ponyorm#371: Support of explicit casting of JSON expressions to `str`, `int` or `float`
* `@db.on_connect` decorator added

# Bugfixes

* Fix bulk delete bug introduced in 0.7.4
* ponyorm#370 Fix memory leak introduced in 0.7.4
* Now `exists()` in query does not throw away condition in generator expression: `exists(s.gpa > 3 for s in Student)`
* ponyorm#373: 0.7.4/0.7.5 breaks queries using the `in` operator to test membership of another query result
* ponyorm#374: `auto=True` can be used with all PrimaryKey types, not only `int`
* ponyorm#369: Make QueryResult looks like a list object again: add concatenation with lists, `.shuffle()` and `.to_list()` methods
* ponyorm#355: Fix binary primary keys `PrimaryKey(buffer)` in Python2
* Interactive mode support for PyCharm console
* Fix wrong table aliases in complex queries
* Fix query optimization code for complex queries
* Fix a bug with hybrid properties that use external functions


Toggle 0.7.6rc1's commit message
Pony ORM Release 0.7.6rc1 (2018-08-08)

# New features

* f-strings support in queries: select(f'{} - {s.age}' for s in Student)
* ponyorm#344: It is now possible to specify offset without limit: `query.limit(offset=10)`
* ponyorm#371: Support of explicit casting of JSON expressions to `str`, `int` or `float`
* `@db.on_connect` decorator added

# Bugfixes

* Fix bulk delete bug introduced in 0.7.4
* ponyorm#370 Fix memory leak introduced in 0.7.4
* Now exists() in query does not throw away condition in generator expression: `exists(s.gpa > 3 for s in Student)`
* ponyorm#373: 0.7.4/0.7.5 breaks queries using the `in` operator to test membership of another query result
* ponyorm#374: `auto=True` can be used with all PrimaryKey types, not only int
* ponyorm#369: Make QueryResult looks like a list object again: add concatenation with lists, `.shuffle()` and `.to_list()` methods
* ponyorm#355: Fix binary primary keys `PrimaryKey(buffer)` in Python2
* Interactive mode support for PyCharm console
* Fix wrong table aliases in complex queries
* Fix query optimization code for complex queries