Install Node LTS
Install PNPM
Download the repository
pnpm i pnpm start
- When using acronyms of more than two characters, use Pascal case or camel case accordingly
- When using acronyms of 2 characters, then use them as uppercase
- Names must be in camel case
- Parameter names must be prefixed with a "p", e.g. pParameter
- Global variable names must be prefixed with a "g" e.g. gGlobalVariable
- Local variable names must be prefixed with an "l" e.g. lLocalVariable
- Use descriptive variable names. It doesn't matter they're long
- If the variable will change then use
- If the variable will not change then use
- Try to declare as many variables as possible at the top of the block
- If the variable value is not needed before a condition that can
then declare the variable afterwards