TorchDynamo is a Python-level JIT compiler designed to make unmodified PyTorch programs faster. TorchDynamo hooks into the frame evaluation API in CPython (PEP 523) to dynamically modify Python bytecode right before it is executed. It rewrites Python bytecode in order to extract sequences of PyTorch operations into an FX Graph which is then just-in-time compiled with an ensemble of different backends and autotuning. It creates this FX Graph through bytecode analysis and is designed to mix Python execution with compiled backends to get the best of both worlds: usability and performance.
Links for more information and development progress updates:
- Update 1: An Experiment in Dynamic Python Bytecode Transformation
- Update 2: 1.48x Geomean Speedup on TorchBench CPU Inference
- Update 3: GPU Inference Edition
- Update 4: LazyTensor & nvFuser Experiments
- Update 5: Improved Capture & Bigger Graphs
- Update 6: Training support with AOTAutograd
- Update 7: Inference with FX2TRT
- (Video) Live deep-dive into TorchDynamo
TorchDynamo is experimental and under active development. You are welcome to try it out and contribute, but should expect to find bugs and rough edges.
Python 3.8 is recommended. Python 3.7 through 3.10 are supported and tested.
PyTorch's main branch contains some fixes that improve TorchDynamo support, so we recommend building PyTorch from source or using PyTorch nightly builds.
For reproducing the experiments in the posts above, use the TorchBenchmark fork found here. This fork contains a few minor fixes that have not yet been merged upstream.
Other development requirements can be installed with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install TorchDynamo with:
python develop
Here is a basic example of how to use TorchDynamo:
from typing import List
import torch
import torchdynamo
def toy_example(a, b):
x = a / (torch.abs(a) + 1)
if b.sum() < 0:
b = b * -1
return x * b
def my_compiler(gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, example_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]):
print("my_compiler() called with FX graph:")
return gm.forward # return a python callable
with torchdynamo.optimize(my_compiler):
for _ in range(100):
toy_example(torch.randn(10), torch.randn(10))
Running this example produces the following output:
my_compiler() called with FX graph:
opcode name target args kwargs
------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- --------
placeholder a a () {}
placeholder b b () {}
call_function abs_1 <built-in method abs of type object at 0x7f8d259298a0> (a,) {}
call_function add <built-in function add> (abs_1, 1) {}
call_function truediv <built-in function truediv> (a, add) {}
call_method sum_1 sum (b,) {}
call_function lt <built-in function lt> (sum_1, 0) {}
output output output ((truediv, lt),) {}
my_compiler() called with FX graph:
opcode name target args kwargs
------------- ------ ----------------------- ----------- --------
placeholder b b () {}
placeholder x x () {}
call_function mul <built-in function mul> (b, -1) {}
call_function mul_1 <built-in function mul> (x, mul) {}
output output output ((mul_1,),) {}
my_compiler() called with FX graph:
opcode name target args kwargs
------------- ------ ----------------------- --------- --------
placeholder b b () {}
placeholder x x () {}
call_function mul <built-in function mul> (x, b) {}
output output output ((mul,),) {}
Note that the order of the last two graphs is nondeterministic depending on which one is encountered first by the just-in-time compiler.
The example above only covers inference (model.forward).
Torchdynamo supports training, using AotAutograd to capture backwards:
- only the .forward() graph is captured by torchdynamo's python evalframe frontend
- for each segment of .forward() that torchdynamo captures, it uses AotAutograd to generate a backward graph segment
- each pair of forward, backward graph are (optionally) min-cut partitioned to save the minimal state between forward/backwrad
- the forward, backward pairs are wrapped in autograd.function modules
- usercode calling .backward() still triggers eager's autograd engine, which runs each 'compiled backward' graph as if it were one op, also running any non-compiled eager ops' .backward() functions
Current limitations:
- optimizer ops are currently not captured at all, and thus not compiled (under investigation to add support)
- DDP and FSDP, which rely on autograd 'hooks' firing between backward ops to schedule communications ops, may be pessimized by having all communication ops scheduled after whole compiled regions of backwards ops (WIP to fix this)
# nothing special about this part
model = ...
optimizer = ...
with torchdynamo.optimize("aot_nvfuser"):
for _ in range(100):
# forward graphs are captured, and AotAutograd generates corresponding backward graphs
# both forward and backward graphs are compiled at this time
loss = model(torch.randn(10), torch.randn(10))
# no further compilation happens here, but eager autograd executes compiled backwards graphs from above
# dynamo won't compile this, currently
See Troubleshooting.
One could replace my_compiler()
with something that generates faster
code, for example one using optimize_for_inference:
def my_compiler(gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, example_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]):
scripted = torch.jit.trace(gm, example_inputs)
return torch.jit.optimize_for_inference(scripted)
TorchDynamo also includes many backends, which can be found in or torchdynamo.list_backends()
. Note many backends
require installing additional packages. You can combine these backends
together with code like:
from torchdynamo.optimizations import BACKENDS
def my_compiler(gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, example_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]):
trt_compiled = BACKENDS["tensorrt"](gm, example_inputs)
if trt_compiled is not None:
return trt_compiled
# first backend failed, try something else...
cudagraphs_compiled = BACKENDS["cudagraphs"](gm, example_inputs)
if cudagraphs_compiled is not None:
return cudagraphs_compiled
return gm.forward
If you just want to use an existing backend, you can pass a
string containing the backend name to torchdynamo.optimize()
can also be used as a decorator on functions,
methods, or nn.Modules(). So a shorter version of using optimize_for_inference on toy_example
would be:
def toy_example(a, b):
TorchDynamo operates just-in-time and specializes graphs based on dynamic properties. For example, the first graph above has the following guards:
- local 'a' TENSOR_MATCH
- local 'b' TENSOR_MATCH
- global 'torch' FUNCTION_MATCH
If any of those guards fail, the graph will be recaptured and recompiled.
The interesting guard type there is TENSOR_MATCH
, which checks the
following torch.Tensor properties:
- Python class of the tensor (tensor subclassing, etc)
- dtype
- device
- requires_grad
- dispatch_key (with thread-local includes/excludes applied)
- ndim
- sizes* (optional)
- strides* (optional)
*For sizes/strides you can disable this specialization by setting:
torchdynamo.config.dynamic_shapes = True
The full specialization mode allows the backend compiler to assume an entirely static graph. Unfortunately, most backends require this. Operators which return dynamic shapes will trigger a graph break when not in dynamic shape mode.
In some cases, you may not want unexpected compiles after a program has warmed up. For example, if you are serving production traffic in a latency critical application. For this, TorchDynamo provides an alternate mode where prior compiled graphs are used, but no new ones are generated:
toy_example(torch.randn(10), torch.randn(10))
In some cases, you may want to ensure there are no graph breaks in your
program to debug performance issues. You can turn graph breaks into
errors by setting
with torchdynamo.optimize(my_compiler, nopython=True):
toy_example(torch.randn(10), torch.randn(10))
Which will trigger the following error in the example program above:
Traceback (most recent call last):
torchdynamo.exc.Unsupported: generic_jump TensorVariable()
Processing original code:
File "", line 7, in toy_example
if b.sum() < 0:
If you want to understand better what TorchDynamo is doing, you can set:
torchdynamo.config.debug = True
which triggers useful (but spammy) printouts.
For example, the printouts for the first graph in the toy_example
above are:
__compiled_fn_0 <eval_with_key>.1
opcode name target args kwargs
------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- --------
placeholder a a () {}
placeholder b b () {}
call_function abs_1 <built-in method abs of type object at 0x7f9ca082f8a0> (a,) {}
call_function add <built-in function add> (abs_1, 1) {}
call_function truediv <built-in function truediv> (a, add) {}
call_method sum_1 sum (b,) {}
call_function lt <built-in function lt> (sum_1, 0) {}
output output output ((truediv, lt),) {}
10 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (a)
2 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (torch)
4 LOAD_METHOD 1 (abs)
6 LOAD_FAST 0 (a)
10 LOAD_CONST 1 (1)
16 STORE_FAST 2 (x)
11 18 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
20 LOAD_METHOD 2 (sum)
24 LOAD_CONST 2 (0)
26 COMPARE_OP 0 (<)
12 30 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
32 LOAD_CONST 3 (-1)
36 STORE_FAST 1 (b)
13 >> 38 LOAD_FAST 2 (x)
40 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
9 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 3 (__compiled_fn_0)
2 LOAD_FAST 0 (a)
4 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
10 STORE_FAST 2 (x)
14 LOAD_GLOBAL 4 (__resume_at_30_1)
16 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
18 LOAD_FAST 2 (x)
>> 24 LOAD_GLOBAL 5 (__resume_at_38_2)
26 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
28 LOAD_FAST 2 (x)
- local 'a' TENSOR_MATCH
- local 'b' TENSOR_MATCH
- global 'torch' FUNCTION_MATCH
At the top you can see the FX graph (which we already shared above). Next you see the original bytecode of the function, followed by the modified bytecode generated by TorchDynamo. Finally, you see the guards which we covered above.
In the modified bytecode __compiled_fn_0
is the return value
of my_compiler()
(the compiled graph). __resume_at_30_1
are both generated continuation functions that pick up
execution after a graph break (at bytecode offsets 30 and 38). Each of
these functions take the form:
... restore stack state if needed ...
JUMP_ABSOLUTE <offset> into toy_example
... original bytecode of toy_example ...
By generating these resume_at function we force the remainder of the function to be executed in a new Python frame which recursively will trigger TorchDynamo to re-start its capture once execution reaches that point for the first time.
As background reading, I'd suggest looking at the PyTorch, functorch, and TorchBench setup docs. Since these projects work together in different ways.
The following instructions use Miniconda.
conda create --name=torchdynamo python=3.8
conda activate torchdynamo
# install pytorch nightlies
# for CUDA version, replace `cpuonly` with `cudatoolkit=11.3`
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio torchtext cpuonly -c pytorch-nightly
git clone [email protected]:pytorch/torchdynamo.git
cd torchdynamo
pip install -r requirements.txt
# check if everything works
make test
If see errors about missing symbols from
, that may mean your
C++ compiler is incompatible CUDA and/or with the one used to compile
PyTorch. You may need to change your compiler version or build PyTorch
from source.
To add TorchBench, which is useful for benchmarking and more extensive testing:
# you should still be in the conda env from before
cd .. # if still in torchdynamo/
# download everything
git clone [email protected]:jansel/benchmark.git torchbenchmark
cd torchbenchmark
cd ../torchdynamo
# fix the version of black so `make format` / `make lint` work
make lint-deps
# make sure it works
./ --fast
Run tests with
pytest tests
To debug a specific test (with more debug prints) do:
pytest -vsk <test name>
Test on torchbenchmark models with:
To reproduce the performance measurements shared in the posts above,
run either make offline-autotune-cpu
or make offline-autotune-gpu
. These targets
will run something like the following:
# cleanup leftover state
rm -rf subgraphs
# initial run to record all the graphs to ./subgraphs/*
python -dcuda --speedup -n1
# autotune each graph and store which backend is best on disk
# measure the speedups using the autotuned backend choices
python -dcuda --speedup -n100
# results are in ./speedups.csv
The baselines can be run with make baseline-cpu
or make baseline-gpu
Which both string together a lot of calls to ./
generate *.csv
files. See ./ --help
for more options.
Install format/linter deps with pip install -r requirements.txt
, then:
make format # reformat all files (in-place)
make lint # run the linters
TorchDynamo has a BSD-style license, as found in the LICENSE file.