Cool features in this boilerplate:
- It's modular. Define your routes, plugins, models and controllers separately.
- Uses node-config. Define all your configuration properties hierarchically and according to your environment.
- Models/ORM through Sequelize and Sequelize-cli with common configuration! Supports migrations. Read more about sequelize and Sequelize-cli.
The structure of the boilerplate and explanation follows:
├── app.js # Application entry point run with "node app"
├── config
│ ├── default.json # common config for all environments
│ ├── development.json # config for development environments
│ ├── production.json # config for production environments
├── controllers
│ ├── index.js # file that requires all controllers into a hash
│ └── users.js # an example controller. use it for inspiration.
├── migrations # migrations directory with an example migration. generated with "sequelize-cli"
│ └── 20141021121205-create-user.js
├── models
│ ├── index.js # generated with "sequelize init". requires all models.
│ └── user.js # an example model. generated with "sequelize-cli model:create"
├── package.json
├── plugins
│ └── index.js # register plugins. add your custom plugins in this folder as well.
└── routes.js # define all the routes in this file.
Just clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ npm install
and start coding.
To run the application run node app