Python context manager to communicate with a subprocess using iterables: for when data is too big to fit in memory and has to be streamed
Keep code, data, containers under control with git and git-annex
Scripts here are related to fMRI dataset 'studyforrest_movie_denoised'(
DataLad extension for neuroimaging research
mih / python-neuroshare
Forked from G-Node/python-neurosharePython Bindings for Neuroshare
mih / nswineproxy
Forked from G-Node/nswineproxyUse Neuroshare Libraries for Windows on Unix(-like) Systems.
mih / stabilitycalc
Forked from bbfrederick/stabilitycalcAutomatic QC processing for fMRI data
Mirror of Sourceforge repository, updated automatically daily
mih / OpenSesame
Forked from open-cogsci/OpenSesameGraphical experiment builder for the social sciences
Graphical experiment builder for the social sciences
Use Neuroshare Libraries for Windows on Unix(-like) Systems.
mih / nipype
Forked from nipy/nipypeWorkflows and interfaces for neuroimaging packages
The ISIS project aims to provide a framework to access a large variety of image processing libraries written in different programming languages and environments.
mih / sigar
Forked from hyperic/sigarSystem Information Gatherer And Reporter