This is a tool that deletes all of your git branches that have been "squash-merged" into master.
This is useful if you work on a project that squashes branches into master. After your branch is squashed and merged, you can use this tool to clean up the local branch.
To run as a shellscript, simply copy the following command (setting up an alias is recommended). There's no need to clone the repo.
git checkout -q master && git for-each-ref refs/heads/ "--format=%(refname:short)" | while read branch; do mergeBase=$(git merge-base master $branch) && [[ $(git cherry master $(git commit-tree $(git rev-parse $branch\^{tree}) -p $mergeBase -m _)) == "-"* ]] && git branch -D $branch; done
You can also install the tool as a Node.js package from NPM. (The package code is in this repo.)
$ npm install --global git-delete-squashed
$ git-delete-squashed
To determine if a branch is squash-merged, git-delete-squashed creates a temporary dangling squashed commit with git commit-tree
. Then it uses git cherry
to check if the squashed commit has already been applied to master
. If so, it deletes the branch.