- Nashville
- mytiki.com
- in/maudi
An opinionated Rust library for interacting with AWS DynamoDB single-table designs.
A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggable storage (indexeddb, sqlite, durable objects), syncs over websockets, and works with your favorite framework (React, Sol…
Generate an IAM policy from AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud (GCP) calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy
Integrate mytiki.com with your Shopify Store
JOSE (Javascript Object Signing and Encryption) library for Rust (based on OpenSSL).
Scalable identity resolution, entity resolution, data mastering and deduplication using ML
Cloudflare worker proxy for a simplified API
TIKI SDK (Flutter) - Consumer Data Licensing
TIKI SDK (Android) - Consumer Data Licensing
Cloudflare worker for console billing APIs
Get up and running with TIKI's SDKs (iOS, Android, Web) in minutes
A simple collection of POJOs and classes that would otherwise be commonly duplicated across TIKI's microservices.
Flutter-based platform channel for communicating between native libs and the compiled trail lib
Long-term (10+ years) immutable (WORM) low-frequency backup via a shared, cloud-hosted bucket.
Write audit trail records to an immutable storage tree.
An amalgamation of code and projects designed to improve a developer's experience with TIKI
Frontend for managing TIKI accounts and provisioning access to the data platform
Cloudflare worker for silent refresh of authorization tokens
Create immutable audit trail records for legal data licensing
Example for using AdMob Native Ads in SwiftUI's view
TIKI SDK (iOS) - Consumer Data Licensing
TIKI SDK (JavaScript) - Consumer Data Licensing
A registry of N TIKI addresses mapped to customer-specified user_ids
GitHub action to add commit history to PR body
A searchable index of chains, blocks, and transactions on the TIKI network.