A mud in go
What's broken:
- //TODO: SSH only takes one key and right now I'm getting errors accessing it
- //TODO: gmud container cant connect to database
- This is NOT a problem when running ./app from localhost
- Let user create a new character
- Let user login to an existing character
- Put user into beginner room with a description
DeleteUser currently 404s- CharacterRoutes GetUser returns the wrong list of characters, doesn't do its query
- Require unique names sql queries Character.Name
- Make a map of public keys
- AccountLogin function runs login page on the server
- Docker-compose broken, gmud connection refused to mysql/localhost:3306 - can access w/ sqlstudio fine
- Alive reports false need to switch to reverse bool or dead
- Level shouldnt be 0
Gin Stats {id}
a := r.Group("/api")
a.POST("/token", controllers.GenerateToken)
a.POST("/user/register", controllers.RegisterUser)
r.GET("/characters", cr.GetCharacters)
s := a.Group("/secured").Use(middlewares.Auth())
s.GET("/user", controllers.GetUser)
s.POST("/token", controllers.GenerateToken)
s.GET("/characters/:id", cr.GetCharacter)
s.POST("/characters", cr.CreateCharacter)
s.PUT("/characters/:id", cr.UpdateCharacters)
s.DELETE("/characters/:id", cr.DeleteCharacter)
➜ charactersDb git:(main) ✗ go env -w GOPRIVATE=github.com/mikejk8s
➜ charactersDb git:(main) ✗ go mod tidy
Found existing alias for "go mod". You should use: "gom"
go: finding module for package github.com/mikejk8s/gmud
go: finding module for package github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
go: downloading github.com/mikejk8s/gmud v0.0.0-20220821060920-758a6a03bc00
go: found github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql in github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.6.0
go: found github.com/mikejk8s/gmud in github.com/mikejk8s/gmud v0.0.0-20220821060920-758a6a03bc00