ari-py Public
Forked from asterisk/ari-pyLibrary for accessing the Asterisk REST Interface
Python Other UpdatedJun 19, 2018 -
killbill-client-python Public
Forked from killbill/killbill-client-pythonPython client library for Kill Bill
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 8, 2017 -
djbaseviews Public
Collection of some base class views for Django applications to make it easier to handle adding/editing/deleting form data
Python UpdatedJun 20, 2016 -
wificonfig Public
Forked from toolofsam/wificonfigThis is my wireless configuration for my desktop
Shell UpdatedJun 14, 2015 -
braintree_python_guide Public
Forked from benneic/braintree_python_guideExample Braintree integrations
Python UpdatedJun 30, 2014 -
termprint Public
Simpler way of using pretty colors to terminal stdout based on termcolors.py
Python UpdatedMay 14, 2014 -
testing-db Public
Some basic testing Dropbox API using python dropbox library
Python UpdatedApr 1, 2014 -
whitenoise Public
Forked from evansd/whitenoiseServe static assets in production for any WSGI application
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 11, 2014 -
whtimer Public
Some proof of concepts and tests for start / stop timer functionality on an item
Python UpdatedMar 9, 2014 -
py-packaging-setup Public
Create python setup scripts for installing packages and modules using setuptools
Python UpdatedFeb 21, 2014 -
gta4configs Public
My Custom GTA-IV on PC Configs for ELS v6, LCPDFR v0.95, and custom car mods
django-questionaire Public
Creates questions for applications/questionaires to be reviewed and approved or rejected.
Python UpdatedOct 11, 2013 -
django-oscar-stripe Public
Forked from django-oscar/django-oscar-stripeIntegration between Oscar and Stripe
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 8, 2013 -
django-simple-ratings Public
Forked from Tmr/django-simple-ratingsa simple, extensible rating system that does recommendations and similar items
sciweb-django-favorites Public
Favorites - Basic app so a user can favorite or like an object
pystripe-charge-wrapper Public
Class wrapper to help create charges, refunds, authorizations and captures using Stripes Charge() functionality
Python UpdatedSep 9, 2013