A shooter game created with Phaser.js.
Live Version link - https://intense-sea-92846.herokuapp.com/
A capstone shooter game from Microverse
A game project app built with Javascipt. This is part of the Javascript Curriculum of Microverse School. The goal behind this project is to build a shooter game with Phaser 3. The requirements are the ability to gain score, kills enemies, lo lose and get your score level saved to a leaderboard. Oh! And also to have fun!
This game was designed using Phaser 3. It contains three group of files for Scenes (Main Game Scene, Game Over Scene and Leaderboard Scene). The main purpose of this file is to create characters, handle the the characters logic, save the score and manage the Game Over logic.
The rules of the game are: You get to play against Lord Valik who sends space capsules to destroy your planet home, you have to destroy them. If you let more than five(5) capsules remain on the battle scene the game is over!
Once you lose in the game you get a chance to see the leaderboard and watch how well you rank against other player:
You move your battleship with your mouse cursor and right-click on your mouse to shoot. Have fun!!!
You get a list of players and their scores, a Leaderboard.
- ESLint
Download or clone this repo here. The run 'npm install' to install all the requirements and then open your browser, hit http://localhost:3000/build/index.html and kill some bad guys!
This project was built with these techologies:
- Phaser 3
- JavaScript(Webpack & Babel)
Michgolden Ukeje
- Github: @mikenath223
- Twitter: @MichgoldenU
- Linkedin: Michgolden Ukeje
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details