Using hbase as an example to apply database watermarking algorithm to big data
Operating System : Centos7
Hadoop : 2.6.0
boost : 1.47.0
libevent : 2.0.12-stable
Hbase : 0.98.8
Thrift : 0.7.0
jdk : 1.8.0_221
We use hbase in the Standalone mode.
- You should start related server.
/usr/local/hbase-0.98.8/bin/ start thrift2
4130 ResourceManager
3957 SecondaryNameNode
3639 NameNode
4922 HMaster
5309 Jps
5230 ThriftServer
4239 NodeManager
- Create a table 'hbase_test' in the hbase.
/usr/local/hbase-0.98.8/bin/hbase shell create 'hbase_test', 'info' scan 'hbase_test' exit
- Compile the data2hbase.cpp and run it to write data to database.
cd /home/hadoop
g++ -DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H -o Data2HbaseClient -I/usr/local/thrift/include/thrift -I./gen-cpp -L/usr/local/thrift/lib data2hbase.cpp ./gen-cpp/hbase_types.cpp ./gen-cpp/hbase_constants.cpp ./gen-cpp/THBaseService.cpp -lthrift -g
./Data2HbaseClient 9090
If there is any warning, try
source /etc/profile
- Compile the watermark.cpp and excute the watermarking algorithm.
g++ -DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H -o WatermarkClient -I/usr/local/thrift/include/thrift -I./gen-cpp -L/usr/local/thrift/lib watermark.cpp SHA1.cpp ./gen-cpp/hbase_types.cpp ./gen-cpp/hbase_constants.cpp ./gen-cpp/THBaseService.cpp -lthrift -g
./WatermarkClient 9090