milk farm productions
- california
- https://milkfarmproductions.com
- @[email protected]
- @milkfarm
Ruby gem to detect bots and crawlers via the user agent
Re:VIEW is flexible document format/conversion system
Over 25 Stimulus controllers with built-in behavior, top-tier documentation, designed for easy extension, and ready for your styles to solve every day frontend problems.
A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
Tracking made easy: Don’t fool around with adding tracking and analytics partials to your app and concentrate on the things that matter.
[ABANDONED] Easy Rails on Kubernetes approach for Digital Ocean and a classic Rails stack: Puma, Redis, Sidekiq, Postgres, Action Cable, Webpacker. Helm 3 in production and docker-compose + dip (ht…
Presenting names of people in full, familiar, abbreviated, and initialized forms (but without titulation etc)
A Ruby library to parse, create and manage MARC records
Gem providing simple Contact Form functionality with a Rails 3+ Engine.
CLI for book generation, building, and publishing to softcover.io
Database multi-tenancy for Rack (and Rails) applications
milkfarm / backup
Forked from backup/backupBackup is a RubyGem, written for Linux and Mac OSX, that allows you to easily perform backup operations on both your remote, as well as your local environment. It provides you with an elegant DSL i…
A simple application level DOS (Denial-Of-Service) preventor for small Rails apps
milkfarm / Agile-Carousel
Forked from Air-Craft/Agile-CarouselJQuery Slideshow/Carousel Plugin
Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
milkfarm / preferences
Forked from ShiningRay/preferencesAdds support for easily creating custom preferences for models
milkfarm / dotfiles
Forked from ryanb/dotfilesconfig files for zsh, bash, completions, gem, git, irb, rails
Air-Craft / Agile-Carousel
Forked from edtalmadge/Agile-CarouselJQuery Slideshow/Carousel Plugin
ShiningRay / preferences
Forked from pluginaweek/preferencesAdds support for easily creating custom preferences for models
The Hivelogic Enkoder Rails Plugin
Strongspace Ruby Library and Command-line interface