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added authorless topic models
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mimno committed Nov 11, 2021
1 parent db010ec commit c0629ce
Showing 1 changed file with 218 additions and 0 deletions.
218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions src/cc/mallet/transform/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
package cc.mallet.transform;

import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

import cc.mallet.types.*;
import cc.mallet.util.*;

* This class implements the method from "Authorless Topic Models"
* by Thompson and Mimno, COLING 2018.
* The goal is to reduce the frequency of words that are
* unusually associated with a particular label. This is useful
* as a pre-processing step for topic modeling becuase it reduces
* the correlation of topics to known class labels. The problem
* comes up most often in fiction, where topics tend to simply
* reproduce lists of characters.
* The input is a labeled feature sequence, of the sort used
* for topic modeling. Unlike the regular topic modeling system,
* labels are required, since we need something to correlate.
* The output is another feature sequence with word tokens removed.
* Note that some words may disappear from the corpus, but they will
* still be present in the alphabet.
* The code takes one parameter, equivalent to a p-value where the
* null hypothesis is that a word occurs no more frequently in one
* category than in the collection as a whole.
* @author David Mimno

public class DownsampleLabelWords {
private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(DownsampleLabelWords.class.getName());

static CommandOption.File inputFile = new CommandOption.File(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "input", "FILE", true, null,
"Read the instance list from this file. This should be a Mallet instance list preserving feature sequence and a class label.", null);

static CommandOption.File outputFile = new CommandOption.File(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "output", "FILE", true, null,
"Write pruned instance list to this file.", null);

static CommandOption.File reportFile = new CommandOption.File(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "report-file", "FILE", true, new File("removed_words.tsv"),
"Write a tab-delimited report on words that were removed to this file", null);

static CommandOption.Integer verboseInstances = new CommandOption.Integer(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "show", "INTEGER", false, 0, "Display the first [this number] instances, showing any deletions. This option is intended to help you feel confident that you know what this process is doing.", null);

static CommandOption.Double samplingThreshold = new CommandOption.Double(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "threshold", "NUMBER", true, 0.05, "Threshold value for deciding whether a word is over-represented. Lower values will remove fewer tokens, higher values will remove more. The default should be a good choice for most applications.", null);

static CommandOption.Integer randomSeed = new CommandOption.Integer(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "random-seed", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The random seed for randomly selecting subset of input words. Use this option if you need to repeat a process exactly.", null);

public static void main (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

CommandOption.setSummary(DownsampleLabelWords.class, "A tool for removing words that are strongly associated with a particular document label.");
CommandOption.process(DownsampleLabelWords.class, args);

// If users don't supply any command line arguments, the
// default error message comes from not finding the input
// file. In this case, they probably really just want to
// know what the options are.
if (args.length == 0) {
System.exit (-1);

Random random = randomSeed.wasInvoked() ? new Random (randomSeed.value) : new Random ();

// Read the InstanceList
InstanceList instances = InstanceList.load (inputFile.value);

Alphabet alphabet = instances.getDataAlphabet();
LabelAlphabet labelAlphabet = (LabelAlphabet) instances.getTargetAlphabet();

int numWords = alphabet.size();
int numLabels = labelAlphabet.size();

System.out.format("%d words, %d labels\n", numWords, numLabels);

int[][] wordLabelCounts = new int[numWords][numLabels];
int[] labelCounts = new int[numLabels];

double[][] labelWordProbs = new double[numLabels][numWords];

for (Instance instance: instances) {
Label labelObject = (Label) instance.getTarget();
int label = labelObject.getIndex();
FeatureSequence tokens = (FeatureSequence) instance.getData();

labelCounts[ label ] += tokens.size();
for (int position = 0; position < tokens.size(); position++) {
int type = tokens.getIndexAtPosition(position);
wordLabelCounts[type][label] += 1;

for (int word = 0; word < numWords; word++) {

double[] proportions = new double[numLabels];
double sum = 0;
double sumSquares = 0;
double nonZeros = 0;

for (int label = 0; label < numLabels; label++) {
if (wordLabelCounts[word][label] > 0) {
proportions[label] = ((double) wordLabelCounts[word][label]) / labelCounts[label];
sum += proportions[label];
sumSquares += proportions[label] * proportions[label];

// Calculate the mean and variance from sum and sum of squares
double mean = sum / numLabels;
double variance = sumSquares - 2 * sum * mean + numLabels * mean * mean;
variance += (numLabels - nonZeros) * mean * mean;
variance /= numLabels;

double shape = mean * mean / variance;
double scale = variance / mean;
double threshold = StatFunctions.gammaInverseCDF(1.0 - samplingThreshold.value, shape, scale);

//System.out.format("%s %f %f %.0f shape %f scale %f %f\n", alphabet.lookupObject(word), mean, variance, nonZeros, shape, scale, threshold);

// if a word's frequency exceeds the proportion beyond which
// we reject the hypothesis of equal use, calculate the
// ratio we need to downsample to reduce it to that level.
// otherwise keep it 100% of the time.
for (int label = 0; label < numLabels; label++) {
if (proportions[label] > threshold) {
labelWordProbs[label][word] = threshold / proportions[label];
//System.out.format("downsampling %s for %s %f (p: %f mean: %f sd: %f)\n", alphabet.lookupObject(word), labelAlphabet.lookupObject(label), labelWordProbs[label][word], proportions[label], mean, Math.sqrt(variance));
else {
labelWordProbs[label][word] = 1.0;

// Now create a new instance list with words randomly downsampled
// according to the ratios we determined.

InstanceList downsampledInstances = new InstanceList(instances.getPipe());

int instanceCounter = 0;
StringBuilder instanceDisplay = null;

// Count how many tokens we dropped
int inputTokens = 0;
int outputTokens = 0;

int[][] wordLabelRemovalCounts = new int[numWords][numLabels];

for (Instance instance: instances) {
Label labelObject = (Label) instance.getTarget();
int label = labelObject.getIndex();
FeatureSequence tokens = (FeatureSequence) instance.getData();

if (instanceCounter < verboseInstances.value) {
instanceDisplay = new StringBuilder();

int[] sampledWords = new int[tokens.size()];
int actualLength = 0;
for (int position = 0; position < tokens.size(); position++) {
int type = tokens.getIndexAtPosition(position);
double prob = labelWordProbs[label][type];

if (random.nextDouble() < prob) {
sampledWords[actualLength] = type;

if (instanceDisplay != null) {
instanceDisplay.append(alphabet.lookupObject(type) + " ");
else {
wordLabelRemovalCounts[type][label] += 1;

if (instanceDisplay != null) {
instanceDisplay.append("[" + alphabet.lookupObject(type) + "] ");

if (instanceDisplay != null) {;
instanceDisplay = null;

FeatureSequence downsampledFS = new FeatureSequence(alphabet, sampledWords, actualLength);

downsampledInstances.add(new Instance(downsampledFS, instance.getTarget(), instance.getName(), instance.getSource()));


if (reportFile.value != null) {
PrintWriter reportWriter = new PrintWriter(reportFile.value);

for (int word = 0; word < numWords; word++) {
for (int label = 0; label < numLabels; label++) {
if (wordLabelRemovalCounts[word][label] > 0) {
reportWriter.format("%s\t%s\t%d\n", alphabet.lookupObject(word), labelAlphabet.lookupObject(label), wordLabelRemovalCounts[word][label]);
}"reduced " + inputTokens + " to " + outputTokens + " tokens");;

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