I'm a Software Engineer from New Zealand. I developed my software and data expertise with a background in Biomedical Engineering. I have 2 years experience developing websites and full-stack apps including personal and client projects. Reach out to me on LinkedIn on the left - interested to see how I can help!
- 🔍 Open to opportunities
- 🔭 Working on an AI app to help my manager save time
- 👯 Keen to collaborate on projects with other developers
- 🥅 2024 Goals: Find good people, build cool stuff
- ⚡ Fun fact: I make a pretty good mojito :D
- 👨💻 Some of my projects are available at ajevile.com
- 📍 Based in New Zealand 🌿 and open to moving or remote work 🌎
Category | Tech |
Frontend | React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, SASS |
Backend | NodeJS, TypeScript, Flask, Python |
Database | MongoDB, PostgreSQL |
Infrastructure | Docker, Terraform, AWS |