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1. Implement unittests for feature based itemrec, both batch and realtime
2. Refactor feature based code.
3. Specify some default values for appdata and settings.
  • Loading branch information
Justin Yip committed May 2, 2014
1 parent c718a3c commit 392a0a8
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Showing 11 changed files with 652 additions and 100 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ case class U2IAction(
uid: String,
iid: String,
t: DateTime,
latlng: Option[Tuple2[Double, Double]],
v: Option[Int],
price: Option[Double])
latlng: Option[Tuple2[Double, Double]] = None,
v: Option[Int] = None,
price: Option[Double] = None)

/** Base trait for implementations that interact with user-to-item actions in the backend app data store. */
trait U2IActions {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ case class User(
id: String,
appid: Int,
ct: DateTime,
latlng: Option[Tuple2[Double, Double]],
inactive: Option[Boolean],
attributes: Option[Map[String, Any]])
latlng: Option[Tuple2[Double, Double]] = None,
inactive: Option[Boolean] = None,
attributes: Option[Map[String, Any]] = None)

/** Base trait for implementations that interact with users in the backend app data store. */
trait Users {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ case class Algo(
name: String,
infoid: String,
command: String,
params: Map[String, Any],
settings: Map[String, Any],
params: Map[String, Any] = Map(),
settings: Map[String, Any] = Map(),
modelset: Boolean,
createtime: DateTime,
updatetime: DateTime,
status: String = "",
offlineevalid: Option[Int],
offlineevalid: Option[Int] = None,
offlinetuneid: Option[Int] = None,
loop: Option[Int] = None,
paramset: Option[Int] = None,
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ case class App(
userid: Int,
appkey: String,
display: String,
url: Option[String],
cat: Option[String],
desc: Option[String],
timezone: String)
url: Option[String] = Some(""),
cat: Option[String] = Some(""),
desc: Option[String] = Some(""),
timezone: String = "UTC")

/** Base trait for implementations that interact with apps in the backend data store. */
trait Apps extends Common {
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions dist/conf/init.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5565,10 +5565,10 @@
"name": "Feature Based, Batch Mode. (Experimental)",
"description": "Item recommendation based on item's feature vector (itypes). This engine build a user preference model based on high ratings items (rate > 3).",
"batchcommands": [
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Batch --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --whiteItypes $whiteItypes$"
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Batch --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --featureItypes $featureItypes$"
"offlineevalcommands": [
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Batch --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --whiteIteyps $whiteItypes$"
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Batch --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --featureItypes $featureItypes$"
"paramorder": [],
"engineinfoid": "itemrec",
Expand All @@ -5577,8 +5577,8 @@
"Users, Items, and U2I Actions."
"params": {
"whiteItypes": {
"name": "Whitelisted Itypes",
"featureItypes": {
"name": "Feature Itypes",
"description": "A comma-delimited list of itypes that is used to construct the preference model. If not specified, all itypes found in items will be used.",
"constraint": {
"paramtype": "string"
Expand All @@ -5594,7 +5594,7 @@
"name": "Parameter Settings",
"sectiontype": "normal",
"params": [
Expand All @@ -5603,7 +5603,7 @@
"name": "Feature Based, Realtime Mode. (Experimental)",
"description": "Item recommendation based on item's feature vector (itypes). This engine build a user preference model based on high ratings items (rate > 3).",
"batchcommands": [
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Realtime --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --whiteItypes $whiteItypes$"
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Realtime --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --featureItypes $featureItypes$"
"offlineevalcommands": [
"$base$/bin/itemrec.featurebased.Realtime --appid $appid$ --algoid $algoid$ --modelSet $modelset$ --numRecommendations $numRecommendations$ --whiteItypes $whiteItypes$"
Expand All @@ -5615,8 +5615,8 @@
"Users, Items, and U2I Actions."
"params": {
"whiteItypes": {
"name": "Whitelisted Itypes",
"featureItypes": {
"name": "Feature Itypes",
"description": "A comma-delimited list of itypes that is used to construct the preference model. If not specified, all itypes found in items will be used.",
"constraint": {
"paramtype": "string"
Expand All @@ -5632,7 +5632,7 @@
"name": "Parameter Settings",
"sectiontype": "normal",
"params": [
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,3 +28,8 @@ packJvmOpts := Map(
"itemrec.featurebased.Realtime" -> Common.packCommonJvmOpts

testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("failtrace")

// Can exclude some paths
// testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("tracefilter", "/io.prediction.algorithms.itemrec.featurebased.CustomMatcher")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,23 @@ object UserProfileRecommendationBatch {

def run(appid: Int, algoid: Int, modelset: Boolean,
numRecommendations: Int,
optFeatureItypesStr: Option[String]) = {
val (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap) = (
appid, optFeatureItypesStr))

val userRecommendationsMap = UserProfileRecommendation.recommend(

modelCon(appid, algoid, modelset, userRecommendationsMap, itemItypesMap)

def main(cmdArgs: Array[String]) = {
val args = Args(cmdArgs)

Expand All @@ -72,34 +89,16 @@ object UserProfileRecommendationBatch {
val modelset = args("modelSet").toBoolean
val numRecommendations = args.optional("numRecommendations")
val verbose = args.optional("verbose").getOrElse("false").toBoolean
val optWhiteItypesStr = args.optional("whiteItypes")

// Recommendation
val (itypes, itemTypesMap) = UserProfileRecommendation.getItems(appid)

val whiteItypes = UserProfileRecommendation.getWhiteItypes(
itypes, optWhiteItypesStr)

val whiteInvItypes = (0 until whiteItypes.length)
.map(i => (whiteItypes(i), i)).toMap

val userU2IsMap = UserProfileRecommendation.getU2I(appid)

val userFeaturesMap = UserProfileRecommendation.constructUserFeatureMap(
whiteInvItypes, itemTypesMap, userU2IsMap)

val userRecommendationsMap = UserProfileRecommendation.recommend(
userFeaturesMap, itemTypesMap, itypes, whiteInvItypes,
userFeaturesMap.keys.toSeq, numRecommendations)

// Model Construction
modelCon(appid, algoid, modelset, userRecommendationsMap, itemTypesMap)
val optFeatureItypesStr = args.optional("featureItypes")

run(appid, algoid, modelset, numRecommendations,
if (verbose) {
userFeaturesMap, whiteItypes,
userRecommendationsMap, itemTypesMap)
userFeaturesMap, featureItypes,
userRecommendationsMap, itemItypesMap)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,31 +3,46 @@ package io.prediction.algorithms.itemrec.featurebased
import grizzled.slf4j.Logger
import io.prediction.commons.Config
import com.twitter.scalding.Args
import io.prediction.commons.appdata.U2IAction
import io.prediction.commons.appdata.{ Item, User, U2IAction }
import io.prediction.commons.modeldata.ItemRecScore

class UserProfileRecommendationException(msg: String = null, cause: Throwable=null)
extends RuntimeException(msg, cause)

// Only consider items rated >= 3
object UserProfileRecommendation {
val logger = Logger(UserProfileRecommendation.getClass)
val commonsConfig = new Config

// Return itypes if whiteItypesStr is emtpy
// Otherwise, return only their intersection.
def getWhiteItypes(itypes: Seq[String], optWhiteItypesStr: Option[String])
// Return itypes if whiteItypesStr is empty or opt is None
// If WhiteItypesStr is specify, return their intersection, using whiteItypes
// order.
def getFeatureItypes(itypes: Seq[String], optFeatureItypesStr: Option[String])
: Seq[String] = {
if (optWhiteItypesStr.isEmpty)
if (optFeatureItypesStr.isEmpty)
return itypes

val featureItypesStr = optFeatureItypesStr.get
if (featureItypesStr == "")
return itypes

val whiteItypeSet = optWhiteItypesStr.get.split(',').toSet
itypes.filter{ itypes => whiteItypeSet.contains(itypes) }
val itypeSet = itypes.toSet
featureItype => itypeSet.contains(featureItype)

def getUsers(appid: Int): Seq[User] = {
val usersDb = commonsConfig.getAppdataUsers

// distinct itypes
// iid -> itypes
def getItems(appid: Int): (Seq[String], Map[String, Seq[String]]) = {
val itemsDb = commonsConfig.getAppdataItems

// FIXME(yipjustin) filter by startT, endT.
val itemTypesMap = itemsDb.getByAppid(appid)
.map(item => (, item.itypes)).toMap

Expand All @@ -41,73 +56,114 @@ object UserProfileRecommendation {

// Only whiteInvItypes is used.
// Only featureInvItypes is used.
def constructUserFeatureMap(
whiteInvItypes: Map[String, Int],
featureInvItypes: Map[String, Int],
itemTypesMap: Map[String, Seq[String]],
uidList: Seq[String],
userU2IsMap: Map[String, Seq[U2IAction]]) : Map[String, Seq[Double]] = {

val userFeatureMap ={ case(user, u2is) => {
//val userFeatureMap ={ case(user, u2is) => {
val userFeatureMap ={ user => {
val u2is = userU2IsMap.getOrElse(user, Seq[U2IAction]())

// TODO. Discount early actions
val userFeatureList = u2is
.filter(_.action == "rate")
.filter(_.v.getOrElse(0) > 3)
.filter(u2i => itemTypesMap.contains(u2i.iid))
.map{ u2i => {
// Only populate the whitelisted itypes
val feature = new Array[Int](whiteInvItypes.size)
// Only populate the featurelisted itypes
//val feature = new Array[Int](featureInvItypes.size)
val feature = Array.fill[Int](featureInvItypes.size)(0)
.foreach(e => feature(whiteInvItypes(e)) = 1)
.foreach(e => feature(featureInvItypes(e)) = 1)


val userFeature = (
if (userFeatureList.length > 0) {
val sumUserFeature =
if (sumUserFeature.sum == 0) {
// This happens when all items rated by the user have no interested
// itypes. In such case we have to fill null.
} else {
} else {
// For user has no feature, assumes uniform.

val featureSum = userFeature.sum
val normalizedUserFeature = / featureSum)

//println(user + " : " + normalizedUserFeature)
(user, normalizedUserFeature.toList)

// Notice that the third return value is item to *all* its itypes. It is
// important to pass non-feature itypes since we need these info in modeldata
// for other pruning.
def constructUserFeaturesMapFromArg(
appid: Int,
optFeatureItypesStr: Option[String]) : (
Map[String, Seq[Double]], // User -> Itype Scores
Seq[String], // Itype Feature List
Map[String, Seq[String]] // Item -> All Itypes
) = {
val (itypes, itemTypesMap) = getItems(appid)

//val usersDb = commonsConfig.getAppdataUsers
val users = getUsers(appid).map(

val featureItypes = getFeatureItypes(itypes, optFeatureItypesStr)
if (featureItypes.length == 0) {
throw new UserProfileRecommendationException("No items has featurelisted types")

val featureInvItypes = (0 until featureItypes.length)
.map(i => (featureItypes(i), i)).toMap

val userU2IsMap = getU2I(appid)

val userFeaturesMap = constructUserFeatureMap(
featureInvItypes, itemTypesMap, users, userU2IsMap)

return (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemTypesMap)

def printFeature(feature: Seq[Double], itypes: Seq[String]): String = {
( > 0)
.map(e => f"${e._2}=${e._1}%.4f").reduce(_ + "," + _)

def recommend(
userFeaturesMap: Map[String, Seq[Double]],
itemTypesMap: Map[String, Seq[String]],
allItypes: Seq[String],
whiteInvItypes: Map[String, Int],
users: Seq[String],
featureItypes: Seq[String],
itemItypes: Map[String, Seq[String]],
numRecommendations: Int
) : Map[String, Seq[(String, Double)]] = { { uid => {
val userFeatures = userFeaturesMap(uid)
val itemScoreMap ={ case(iid, itypes) => {
val featureIdxMap = until featureItypes.size).toMap { case(uid, features) => {
val itemScoreMap ={ case(iid, itypes) => {
val score = itypes
.map(itype => whiteInvItypes(itype))
.map(idx => userFeatures(idx))
.map(itype => featureIdxMap(itype))
.map(idx => features(idx))
// FIXME: not decided yet. if item has too many types, need to discount
// them
// / itypes.size
(iid, score)
// them / itypes.size
(iid, score)

val top = itemScoreMap.toList.sortBy(-_._2).take(numRecommendations)
(uid, top)
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