A one-page questionnaire to help your team establish effective frontend guidelines, so that you can write consistent & cohesive code together.
- Are there markup practices you've seen and liked?
- Are there new semantic tags we should be using?
- HAML, SLIM, eRB for server-side templates default? (Considreing our heavy use of React)
- **What is the process for converting a file **
- What are some general principles your team should follow when writing CSS? (For example, modularity, avoiding long selector strings, etc. See these resources for inspiration)
- Is BEM still working for us?
- How are we consistently deviating from BEM?
- Are there aspects to BEM that aren't well understood?
- Can we make extensions to BEM that won't require a re-write?
- What is Interfaces consistently missing, in your app?
- Where is Interfaces out-of-date (now that we have a new visual language)?
- Where is Interfaces too opinionated? What are you consistently having to override?
- What does CSS commenting look like?
- Which apps are actively using ES2015 syntax?
- Do we need to add any modervizr plugins? Currently Interfaces ships with
. - Do we need to add any shared third-party plugins to Interfaces?
- What does JS commenting look like?
- Are you using any tools to reinforce frontend style (such as Editor Config, eslint, or linters)?
- Are there git practices/patterns we could adopt as a design team? (such as rebasing, squashing, and commit messages)
It's important to recognize the difference between "support" and "optimization". You should do your best to support as many environments as possible while simultaneously optimizing for the environments that make the most sense for your business and users.
- What browsers are you optimizing for?
- What devices are you optimizing for?
- Are you using a graded browser support system?
- Are there specific components that require more specific grading?
- Where does your documentation live? What are the links to the documentation?
- Who's responsible for maintaining and governing the documentation?
- What happens when the guidelines are updated?