A small application that allows users to apply for jobs, post/delete jobs, and view applications for jobs.
This is just a small application I made for fun in a day. The basic idea is to create a mini Job Board, but without using a database (like a real Job Board should). To get around not using a database, I created Application and Job objects and then used their display() and view() methods added into an ArrayList to make it display nicely. :) However, because it is not hooked up with a database, every time you run it your data will be reset. Because of this, I've started looking at...
... writing to a txt file! :) I don't have all the code exactly right (since I'll need to make modifications, obviously). However, the next step for this little app is to gather input from a txt file, write any new input to that txt file, etc. Right now I have a couple rough methods that grab and set to the txt file, but I want to make sure it looks gorgeous. So I'll add those commits when I'm all finished. File I/O can be fun, huh? :)
Like always, if you have something you want to say to me, please visit the contact page on my website:
~ Amelia