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ocaml-git -- Git format and protocol in pure OCaml

Support for on-disk and in-memory Git stores. Can read and write all the Git objects: the usual blobs, trees, commits and tags but also the pack files, pack indexes and the index file (where the staging area lives).

All the objects share a consistent API, and convenience functions are provided to manipulate the different objects. For instance, it is possible to make a pack file position independent (as the Zlib compression might change the relative offsets between the packed objects), to generate pack indexes from pack files, or to expand the filesystem of a given commit.

The library comes with a command-line tool called ogit which shares a similar interface with git, but where all operations are mapped to the API exposed ocaml-git (and hence using only OCaml code).

The API documentation is available online.

Build Status

Build and Install Instructions

To build and install the project, simply run:

$ opam install git

What is supported

  • The loose object files can be read and written;

  • The pack files (collections of compressed loose objects using a binary-diff representation) and pack indexes (indexes of pack files) can be read and written). The binary diff hunks are exposed using a high-level position-independent representation so that they can be manipulated more easily. Pack file can be created but will not be compressed yet.

  • The index file (used as for managing the staging area) are fully supported. Which means that git diff and git status will work as expected on a repository created by the library.

  • Cloning and fetching (using various options) are fully supported for the Git protocol, the smart-HTTP protocol and git+ssh. A subset of the protocol capabilities are implemented (mainly thin-pack, ofs-delta, side-band-64k and allow-reachable-sha1-in-want).

  • Pushing is still experimental and needs more testing.

  • An abstraction for Git Store Is available. Various store implementations are available:

What is not supported

  • No server-side operations are currently supported.
  • No GC.
  • Updates, merge and rebase are not supported. Use irmin instead.


Performance is comparable to the Git tool.


# #require "git.unix";;
# open Lwt.Infix;;
# open Git_unix;;
# module Search = Git.Search.Make(FS);;

# let read file =
    FS.create () >>= fun t ->
    FS.read_reference_exn t Git.Reference.master >>= fun head ->
    Search.find t head (`Commit (`Path file)) >>= function
    | None     -> failwith "file not found"
    | Some sha -> FS.read_exn t sha >>= function
      | Git.Value.Blob b -> Lwt.return (Git.Blob.to_raw b)
      | _ -> failwith "not a valid path"
 val read : string list -> string Lwt.t = <fun>

# (read [""] >|= print_string)

ocaml-git -- Git format and protocol in pure OCaml

Support for on-disk and in-memory Git stores. Can read and write all
the Git objects: the usual blobs, trees, commits and tags but also
the pack files, pack indexes and the index file (where the staging area



MIT, see file for its text.