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The React MobX TypeScript Starter provides a robust foundation for building modern web applications. Featuring React, MobX, TypeScript, and SCSS, this boilerplate simplifies starting new projects by offering a pre-configured setup with support for multilingual applications, state management, responsive design, and comprehensive testing using Jest.


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React MobX TypeScript Starter

Welcome to the React MobX TypeScript Starter! This boilerplate is designed as a robust starting point for building modern web applications using React, MobX, TypeScript, Bootstrap, and SCSS.

Project Structure

Here's an overview of the main folders and files in this project:

├── .vscode/                     # VSCode configuration files
├── bundles/                     # Bundled assets and compiled code
├── node_modules/                # Project dependencies installed by npm
├── public/                      # Static assets and public files
├── src/                         # Source code for the application
│   ├── api/                     # API handling and server requests
│   ├── app/                     # Core application files
│   │   ├── Router/              # Router configuration
│   │   ├── App.tsx              # Main App component
│   │   ├── AppWrapper.tsx       # Higher-order component for wrappers
│   │   ├── context.ts           # Context API logic
│   │   ├── coreContext.ts       # Core context setup
│   │   ├── index.tsx            # Application entry point
│   │   ├── reportWebVitals.ts   # Web performance reporting
│   │   └── setupTests.ts        # Jest test setup file
│   ├── components/              # Reusable UI components
│   ├── pages/                   # Application pages
│   ├── stores/                  # MobX stores for state management
│   ├── styles/                  # SCSS stylesheets
│   ├── types/                   # TypeScript type definitions
│   └── utils/                   # Utility functions
├── .eslintignore                # ESLint ignore rules
├── .eslintrc.json               # ESLint configuration
├── .gitignore                   # Git ignore rules
├── jest.config.js               # Jest configuration
├── package.json                 # Project dependencies and scripts
├── tsconfig.json                # TypeScript configuration
└── webpack.config.js            # Webpack configuration for bundling and optimization

Key Features

  • React: Build interactive UIs with a component-based architecture.
  • MobX: Efficiently manage application state with a simple and intuitive API.
  • TypeScript: Add static type checking for a better development experience.
  • Bootstrap: Create responsive layouts with a mobile-first approach.
  • SCSS: Utilize the power of SASS for dynamic, maintainable styles.
  • Webpack: Handle module bundling, asset management, and optimization.
  • Jest: Write and run tests to ensure your application works as intended.
  • Multilingual Support: Easily add support for multiple languages through a simple and flexible localization setup.

Available Scripts

Run these scripts using npm:

  • npm start: Start the development server with hot reloading.
  • npm run start-no-open: Start the development server without opening the browser.
  • npm run prod: Start the production server with hot reloading.
  • npm run build: Build the project for production.
  • npm test: Run tests with Jest.



  • Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed.
  • npm: Use npm (comes with Node) to install dependencies.


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory:
    cd react-mobx-ts-starter
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Start the development server:
    npm start

Folder and File Descriptions

  • src/app/Router: Contains routing configuration for the application.
  • src/app/context.ts: Defines context and shared state for the application.
  • src/app/coreContext.ts: Core context setup and initialization.
  • src/components: Contains reusable UI components.
  • src/pages: Contains individual pages of the application, like Home.tsx.
  • src/stores: MobX stores for state management.
  • src/styles: SCSS files for styling.
  • src/types: TypeScript type definitions.
  • src/utils: Helper functions and utilities.
  • README files: Additional documentation for API requests, ESLint, Jest, resources, slider, styles, translations, and Webpack configurations.


Each aspect of the project is documented in dedicated files:

  • Documentation for API requests.
  • Documentation for ESLint setup.
  • Documentation for Jest testing.
  • Resource references for project dependencies.
  • Details on using the slider component.
  • Guide to the SCSS structure and styling conventions.
  • Instructions on managing translations.
  • Overview of Webpack configuration.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to help improve this boilerplate.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


The React MobX TypeScript Starter provides a robust foundation for building modern web applications. Featuring React, MobX, TypeScript, and SCSS, this boilerplate simplifies starting new projects by offering a pre-configured setup with support for multilingual applications, state management, responsive design, and comprehensive testing using Jest.




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