TweetX is a social media platform that enables users to share short messages and updates with their followers. This platform provides features for user authentication, posting feeds, and managing social connections.
- User Login: Users can securely log in to their accounts using their credentials.
- Signup: New users can create an account by providing the required information.
- Write Feeds: Users can write and post short messages to share with their followers.
- View Feeds: Users can view posts from users they follow on their feed.
- Followers and Following: Users can follow other users, and they can see who is following them.
- User Profile: Users can view their own profile, including the number of followers and following.
To run the application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd tweetx npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to view the application .
- React
- React Router
- Redux Toolkit
- Firebase
- Axios
- React-Redux
- React Toastify
- Redux Persist
Mirza Sahil Alli Baig
- Portolio :
- Github :