A Clojure based Solr client. Current Apache Solr version support is 4.6.0
To include the Flux library, add the following to your :dependencies
[com.codesignals/flux "0.4.0"]
(require '[flux.http :as http])
(def conn (http/create "http://localhost:8983/solr" :collection1))
(require '[flux.embedded :as embedded])
(def cc (embedded/create-core-container "path/to/solr-home" "path/to/solr.xml"))
####Core auto-discovery
Flux also supports core.properties
. Just give create-core
the solr-home path as the only argument.
Note: It's important to call the load
method on the resulting CoreContainer
(def cc (doto (embedded/create-core-container "path/to/solr-home")
Now create the embedded server instance:
(def conn (embedded/create cc :collection1))
Once a connection as been created, use the with-connection
macro to wrap client calls:
(require '[flux.core :as flux]
[flux.query :as q])
(flux/with-connection conn
(flux/add [{:id 1} {:id 2}])
(flux/query "*:*")
;; Or set the path and/or method:
(q/create-query-request :post "/docs" {:q "etc"}))
###javax.servlet/servlet-api and EmbeddedSolrServer
Unfortunately, EmbeddedSolrServer requires javax.servlet/servlet-api as an implicit dependency. Because of this, Flux adds this lib as a depedency.
- http://wiki.apache.org/solr/Solrj#EmbeddedSolrServer
- http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/EmbeddedSolrServer-java-lang-NoClassDefFoundError-javax-servlet-ServletRequest-td483937.html
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Copyright © 2013 Matt Mitchell
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.