AI Toolkit is a header-only C++ library which provides tools for building the brain of your game's NPCs.
It provides:
- Finite State Machines
- Behavior Tree
- Utility AI
- Goal Oriented Action Planning
Why this project? Well, I wrote about it here.
Add the include
folder of this repository to your include paths.
Or add it as a submodule:
$ git submodule add
$ g++ -std=c++23 -Iaiotoolkit/include main.cpp -o mygame
NB: This library is compatible with C++20.
First, include the header:
#include <aitoolkit/fsm.hpp>
using namespace aitoolkit::fsm;
Then, create your blackboard type:
struct blackboard_type {
// ...
Then, create a state type for each of your states:
class state_dummy final : public state<blackboard_type> {
virtual void enter(blackboard_type& blackboard) override {
// ...
virtual void exit(blackboard_type& blackboard) override {
// ...
virtual void pause(blackboard_type& blackboard) override {
// ...
virtual void resume(blackboard_type& blackboard) override {
// ...
virtual void update(blackboard_type& blackboard) override {
// ...
Create your simple state machine:
auto simple_bb = blackboard_type{};
auto simple_fsm = simple_machine<blackboard_type>();
simple_fsm.set_state(std::make_shared<state_dummy>(), simple_bb);
Or with a stack state machine:
auto stack_bb = blackboard_type{};
auto stack_fsm = stack_machine<blackboard_type>{};
stack_fsm.push_state(std::make_shared<state_dummy>(), stack_bb);
stack_fsm.push_state(std::make_shared<state_dummy>(), stack_bb);
First, include the header:
#include <aitoolkit/behtree.hpp>
using namespace aitoolkit::bt;
Then, create your blackboard type:
struct blackboard_type {
// ...
Then, create your tree:
auto tree = seq<blackboard_type>::make({
check<blackboard_type>::make([](const blackboard_type& bb) {
// check some condition
return true;
task<blackboard_type>::make([](blackboard_type& bb) {
// perform some action
return execution_state::success;
Finally, evaluate it:
auto blackboard = blackboard_type{
// ...
auto state = tree->evaluate(blackboard);
For more informations, consult the documentation.
First, include the header file:
#include <aitoolkit/utility.hpp>
using namespace aitoolkit::utility;
Then, create a blackboard type:
struct blackboard_type {
int food{0};
int wood{0};
int stone{0};
int gold{0};
Next, create a class for each action that you want to be able to perform:
class collect_food final : public action<blackboard_type> {
virtual float score(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return 50.0f;
virtual void apply(blackboard_type& blackboard) const override { += 1;
class collect_wood final : public action<blackboard_type> {
virtual float score(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return 150.0f;
virtual void apply(blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
blackboard.wood += 1;
class collect_stone final : public action<blackboard_type> {
virtual float score(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return -10.0f;
virtual void apply(blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
blackboard.stone += 1;
class collect_gold final : public action<blackboard_type> {
virtual float score(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return 75.0f;
virtual void apply(blackboard_type& blackboard) const override { += 1;
Finally, create an evaluator and run it:
auto evaluator = evaluator<blackboard_type>{
auto blackboard = blackboard_type{};;
First, include the header file:
#include <aitoolkit/goap.hpp>
using namespace aitoolkit::goap;
Then, create a blackboard class that will hold the state of the planner:
struct blackboard_type {
bool has_axe{false};
int wood{0};
Next, create a class for each action that you want to be able to perform:
class get_axe final : public action<blackboard_type> {
virtual float cost(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return 1.0f;
virtual bool check_preconditions(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return !blackboard.has_axe;
virtual void apply_effects(blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
blackboard.has_axe = true;
class chop_tree final : public action<blackboard_type> {
virtual float cost(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return 1.0f;
virtual bool check_preconditions(const blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
return blackboard.has_axe;
virtual void apply_effects(blackboard_type& blackboard) const override {
blackboard.wood += 1;
Finally, create a plan and run it:
auto actions = std::vector<action_ptr<blackboard_type>>{
auto initial = blackboard_type{};
auto goal = blackboard_type{
.has_axe = true,
.wood = 3
auto p = planner<blackboard_type>(actions, initial, goal);
auto blackboard = initial;
while (p) {
p.run_next(blackboard); // will mutate the blackboard
For more informations, consult the documentation.
The documentation is available online here.
You can build it locally using doxygen:
$ make docs
This library is released under the terms of the MIT License.