-> Basic info:
Plugin Originally made by G0dFulL / misha.zevedei but rewrote by SSher1FF, helps with muteing dead people in a clutch situation It uses sv_full_alltalk 0 so that the player who is trying to clutch can't hear anyone while the players alive from the other team can only hear them and not the dead. Also it issues a HINT Message for everyone to see, announcing the mute on the dead.
-> Info About Me:
Im a new plugin author, of course the big help i got was from SSher1FF whom you can check out in the Links Section. Without him i wouldn't have understood making it even if he helped me only a bit in this case but more in other ones and im grateful to him.
-> Links:
G0dFulL (Mine's):
- STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/id/G0dFulL/
- DISCORD: https://discord.gg/deathromania
- MY PLUGINS: https://www.sourcemod.net/plugins.php?cat=0&mod=21&title=&author=G0dFulL.&description=&search=1