Simple golang-based load test application using YAML documents as specification.
For a more full-blown explanation of what Gotling is about, see my blog post here:
Please note that this is my very first golang program and is probably full of anti-patterns and bad use of golang constructs.
- Provides high-throughput load testing of HTTP services
- Supports GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
- Live metrics using HTML5 canvas from canvasjs
- Request URLs and bodies can contain ${paramName} parameters
- ${paramName} values can be extracted from HTTP response bodies and bound to a User context
- TCP sockets
- Can send line-terminated text strings
- Possible to use ${varname} variables in payload
- Does not currently support body parsing or variable extraction from data incoming on the TCP socket.
Define your test setup in a .yml file
iterations: 10 # Number of iterations per user
users: 10 # Number of users
rampup: 20 # seconds
actions: # List of actions. Currently supports http, sleep
- http:
url: http://localhost:8183/courses # URL. Can include ${paramName} parameters
accept: json # Only 'json' is currently supported
response: # Defines response handling
jsonpath: $[*].id+ # JsonPath expression to capture data from JSON response
variable: courseId # Parameter name for captured value
index: first # If > 1 results found - which result to store in 'variable':
# first, random, last
- sleep:
duration: 3 # Sleep duration in seconds. Will block current user
- http:
method: GET
url: http://localhost:8183/courses/${courseId}
accept: json
jsonpath: $.author+
variable: author
index: first
- sleep:
duration: 3
- tcp:
address: # TCP socket connection
payload: |TYPE|1|${UID}|${email} # Sample data using parameter substitution
Gotling currently support CSV feeds of data. First line needs to be comma-separated headers with the following lines containing data, e.g:
These values can be accessed through ${varname} matching the column header.
Each "user" gets a unique "UID" assigned to it, typically an integer from 10000 + random(no of users). Perhaps I can tweak this to either use UUID's or configurable intervals. Anyway, the UID can be used using ${UID} and can be useful for grouping data etc.
Access at http://localhost:8182
Click "connect" to connect to the currently executing test.
- NodePrime/jsonpath -
- gorilla/websocket
- highcharts
Licensed under the MIT license.