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Default Controls

eatal edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

Default Controls

For human teleoperation, a Logitech F310 controller or normal QWERTY keyboard can be used. Any of the two methods can be used using the following roslaunch command:

roslaunch flightgoggles teleopExample.launch

To use a keyboard for teleoperation, the keyboard controller window (see figure below) must be focused. spacebar must be held to enable keyboard control. Similar to Mode 2 RC Controllers, left hand ASDW keys control thrust and yaw rate. The right hand JKLI keys control roll and pitch rate.

For joystick control, the joystick mode switch should be in mode D. To enabled joystick control, LT should be held. Similar to Mode 2 RC Controllers, the left hand joystick controls thrust and yaw rate. The right hand joystick controls roll and pitch rate.

In order to start the dynamics simulation, the vehicle must be armed by publishing an empty message std_msgs/Empty to the ropic /uav/input/arm, e.g. from a terminal using the command: rostopic pub /uav/input/arm std_msgs/Empty.

Note: Collisions reset the simulator to its initial condition. The vehicle must be armed again in order to resume flight after a reset. To fly around without colliders enabled for the purpose of exploring the environment, colliders can be disabled by setting ignore_collisions to true in the launch file or passing it as an argument to the launch file without editing the launch file. E.g.roslaunch flightgoggles teleopExample.launch ignore_collisions:=1.

You can also manually reset the dynamics by publishing an empty message std_msgs/Empty to the ropic /uav/input/reset, e.g. from a terminal using the command: rostopic pub /uav/input/reset std_msgs/Empty.