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Catppuccin SDDM

Catppuccin Theme for SDDM. Forked from Corners and customized for Catppuccin setups.

flatppuccin-macchiato preview


  • SDDM
  • Qt5
  • Qt Graphical Effects
  • Qt SVG
  • Qt Quick Controls 2


pacman -Syu sddm qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-svg qt5-quickcontrols2



This theme is available in the Nixpkgs repo You can just add the package and reference the output for the theme.

environment.packages = with pkgs; [ catppuccin-sddm-corners ];


services.displayManager.sddm = {
    enable = true;
    theme = "catppuccin-sddm-corners";

If you'd like to use the flake. Just add this flake as an input and reference its package output for installation. Then use it within your config by name for sddm theme.

inputs.sddm-catppuccin.url = "github:khaneliman/catppuccin-sddm-corners";
inputs.sddm-catppuccin.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";




services.displayManager.sddm = {
    enable = true;
    theme = "catppuccin-sddm-corners";


The theme is available from the AUR here. Install it with your favorite AUR helper: paru sddm-catppuccin-git


Simply clone this repo, and copy the catppuccin/ folder to /usr/share/sddm/themes/.

git clone
cd catppuccin-sddm-corners
cp -r catppucin/ /usr/share/sddm/themes/

Make sure to change the current theme that SDDM is using. on Arch, create a config file in /etc/sddm.conf.d/ with the following contents:



You will probably want to configure the theme before using it, as out of the box it uses Liga SFMono Nerd Font as the display font.

Edit the theme.conf file (located inside catppuccin/) as you see fit. The following are short descriptions of what each option does.

note that colors require the leading # and that all options have to be wrapped in quotation marks. refer to this link for more info regarding colors.


  • Background: path to the wallpaper. you can drop files in backgrounds/ to use a relative path, or you can just use an absolute path.
  • Font: the font to use throughout the theme. use the name of the font family.
  • Padding: the distance that stuff should be from the screen edge.
  • CornerRadius: specify how round corners should be, or set to 0 to disable rounded corners.
  • GeneralFontSize: the font size used for everything excluding the date and time.
  • LoginScale: this allows you to adjust the relative scale of UI elements. you should probably keep the value below 1.

User picture

click on the avatar to change users!

  • UserPictureBorderWidth: the width of the outline around the user avatar. set to 0 to disable.
  • UserPictureBorderColor: the color of the outline around the user avatar.
  • UserPictureColor: the color of the default, blank avatar. note that this is only visible when you don't have a custom picture set.

Text field (user and password)

  • TextFieldColor: the color of the text field background for the user and password fields.
  • TextFieldTextColor: the color of the text inside the user and password fields.
  • TextFieldHighlightColor: the color of the border around the currently selected text field.
  • TextFieldHighlightWidth: the border width of the currently selected text field. set to 0 to disable the border.
  • UserFieldBgText: the placeholder text shown in the user field when nothing is typed.
  • PasswordFieldBgText: the placeholder text shown in the password field when nothing is typed.

Login button

  • LoginButtonTextColor: the color of the login button text.
  • LoginButtonBgColor: the color of the login button background.
  • LoginButtonText: the text to be displayed on the login button.

Popup (power, session, and user)

  • PopupBgColor: the background color of the popup. this applies to the power panel, session panel, and user panel.
  • PopupHighlightColor: the color of the currently selected entry in the popup. this applies to the power panel, session panel, and user panel.
  • PopupHighlightedTextColor: the color of the text for the currently selected option. only applies to session and user popups.

Session button

  • SessionButtonColor: the color of the session button background.
  • SessionIconColor: the color of the icon inside the session button.

Power button

  • PowerButtonColor: the color of the power button background.
  • PowerIconColor: the color of the icon inside the session button.


  • DateColor: the text color of the date.
  • DateSize: the font size of the date.
  • DateIsBold: whether the date is bolded. accepts either true or false.
  • DateOpacity: the opacity of the date text. set to 1 to disable transparency.
  • DateFormat: specify the formatting of the date.


  • TimeColor: the text color of the time.
  • TimeSize: the font size of the time.
  • TimeIsBold: whether the time is bolded. accepts either true or false.
  • TimeOpacity: the opacity of the time text. set to 1 to disable transparency.
  • TimeFormat: specify the formatting of the time.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License. check it out here.


nix flake for my sddm config







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