written in Shell
Clear filter
解决Cursor在免费订阅期间出现以下提示的问题: You've reached your trial request limit. / Too many free trial accounts used on this machine. Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place to prevent abuse. Please l…
基于Clash Core 制作的Clash For Linux备份仓库 A Clash For Linux Backup Warehouse Based on Clash Core
分流完善的 OpenClash 订阅转换模板,搭配保姆级 OpenClash 设置教程,无需套娃其他插件即可实现完美分流、DNS无污染无泄漏,且快速的国内外上网体验。
This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos .
An improved lotus toolchain for Filecoin cluster mining
xzymoe / gfwlist2privoxy
Forked from samzong/gfwlist2privoxygfwlist2privoxy shell脚本,自动转换为privoxy的格式