Media notification for flutter, on android (IOs Not implemented)
This plugin is used in the music player app TuneIn.
please star this repository or TuneIn, i am open to comments and possible features.
You can call the show method to show the media controls like follow :
ByteData dibd = await rootBundle.load("images/image.png");
List<int> defaultImageBytes = dibd.buffer.asUint8List();
try {
title: title, // the title of the track
author: author, // a subtitle usually the artist
image:"/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Reddit/c4c7164.jpg", // an image, Must be a URI
BitmapImage: defaultImageBytes, // an image in bytes form, can get over any permission problems
bgColor: Colors.deepPurple, // the background Color of the notification panel
iconColor:, // The control icons colors
subtitleColor: Colors.deepOrange, // The subtitle color
titleColor: // the title color
} on PlatformException {
You can call the hide method to hide the Media controls like follow :
You can use the next functions and listeners n order to further polish the experience of using the plugin
must take a boolean argument, will set the play/pause button icon accordingly :
1- True means currently playing, will set the icon to Pause icon
2- False means currently on pause or stop ( no distinction between the two ), will set the icon to Play icon
takes no arguments, will automatically toggle the play/pause button icon
must take a String argument will change the subtitle on the notification to the given string
must take a String argument will change the title on the notification to the given string
The following listeners can be used to listen on the different control buttons when tapped
MediaNotification.setListener('play', () {
print("playing shoud slart playin"); // will be triggered when the Play arrow button is tapped
MediaNotification.setListener('pause', () {
print("playback should pause"); // will be triggered when the Pause Bars button is tapped
MediaNotification.setListener('next', () {
print("playback should go to next track"); // will be triggered when the next button is tapped
MediaNotification.setListener('prev', () {
print("playback should go to previous track"); // will be triggered when the previous button is tapped
MediaNotification.setListener('select', () {
print("selected Notification"); // will be triggered when the notification is selected (tapped) from the notification area
Notification Area | Lock Screen | Lock Screen |
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Thank you in advance 👍