Ever built a self-hosted api and gone through the pain of having to constantly restart it to re-compile your code, for simple updates? Do you build SPAs with .NET server backends, and don't want to kill your dev flow as you go back and forth between client / server code?
'sswc' is a simple command line interface that can hopefully ease that pain. Use it to run an http server for development purposes, or use it to install your class library as a windows service, and never lock your assemblies again, allowing you to re-compile your code into the same bin directory you are serving your server from, and 'sswc' will restart the server for you.
The http server automatically restarts when files are updated in the bin directory based on a watch 'regex' pattern. All you need is a class with an Init and/or Start method in it. Use the /type={classname} argument and you're good to go.
We love "ServiceStack", so we simplified our usage of ServiceStack by removing the need for the /type flag if you intend to use ServiceStack. Simply create a class that derives from ServiceStack.AppSelfHostBase, and 'sswc' will locate it in your assembly for you.
Download the 'sswc.zip' file and unzip it to your directory of choice ...
curl -L -o sswc.zip https://github.com/mjczone/sswc/raw/master/dist/sswc.zip
Run the cli app from a command prompt
sswc.exe /help
Simplest usage:
sswc .\MyProject\bin\Debug\MyProject.dll /type=MyProject.MyHost
If the MyHost class above derives from the ServiceStack.AppSelfHostBase class, it's even simpler:
sswc .\MyProject\bin\Debug\MyProject.dll
Specify the port (uses 2020 by default):
sswc .\MyProject\bin\Debug\MyProject.dll /type=MyProject.MyHost /port=4000
Use polling instead of relying on file system events for bin directory change notifications (useful in certain situations when using UNC paths and/or mapped drives):
sswc .\MyProject\bin\Debug\MyProject.dll /type=MyProject.MyHost /poll=3000
If you only care to watch for *.dll changes, specify the watch pattern as a Regex:
sswc .\MyProject\bin\Debug\MyProject.dll /type=MyProject.MyHost /watch=\*.dll
You can use 'sswc' to install your Host class library as a Windows Service.
To install as a windows service, use:
sswc .\MyProject\bin\Debug\MyProject.dll /type=MyProject.MyHost /port=8081 /install /serviceName="MyProject_Host" /serviceDisplayName="MyProject Host" /serviceDescription="API for MyProject served on port 8081"
To uninstall the windows service, use:
sswc /uninstall /serviceName="MyProject_Host"
Clone the repository, then view the examples below. There is also a "Demo" app you can look at in the demo\demo directory.
Run the sample: run-nancy-example.bat
Run the sample: run-webapi-example.bat
Run the sample: run-servicestack-example.bat
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MIT - 2016