- Kansas City, MO
- https://mjgarten-portfolio.web.app/
A set of tools and libraries for stitching together modules and code in highly dynamic browser environments
A starter kit for developing PWAs in a lerna monorepo including a web-component design-system in Typescript.
Fully customizable Svelte component to enter tags
Asyncable store for Svelte 3 which is store a value as promise.
The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table https://github.com/wolf-table/table
The default monitor for Redux DevTools with a tree view
A few utilities for creating and merging lists of TailwindCSS classes
Use Rollup with workers and ES6 modules today.
CSS-variables-based swappable themes for Tailwind CSS
🗃 Offload your store management to a worker easily.
Serverless coding environments for the web.
A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers!
✨ Ever wanted to have reactive css variables in svelte? What if I told you there's a way?
Write Svelte components in markdown syntax
Cybernetically enhanced Firebase apps
A parcel plugin that enables svelte support
A console emulator for preact.
A rich text editor based off of Quill.js and Ultradom, and using Svelte for UI.
Themes to be used and generated with monaco-editor in web browser
Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds.