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Run Numbat for Allele-Specific scRNA Copy Number


This is a wrapper for the Numbat copy number caller for scRNA. Please refer to the original Github repo or the manuscript for more information.


To run this pull the latest docker image for Numbat as follows:

VER="v1.3.2" ### Match this to the latest version uploaded on github
singularity pull "numbat-rbase_$VER.sif" docker://pkharchenkolab/numbat-rbase:$VER
ln -sf "numbat-rbase_$VER.sif" "numbat-rbase_latest.sif"

The image contains all reference files in hg38 required to run the analysis.

How to run

To run a single sample use the script as shown below. This script is a wrapper around Numbat's pileup_and_phase.R script, which performs SNP pileups and phasing preprocessing, and a custom written numbat.R script, which runs Numbat.

If running with cell line or PDX or high purity tumors, ensure that --high_purity is set. This will detect and exclude regions of clonal deletions/LOH prior to running numbat.

Samples from the same donor can be run simultaneously by passing comma delimited sample names, bam files, barcode files, and matrix directories to --samples, --bams, --barcodes, and --mtxdirs respectively. Note that this will typically require increased memory.

If a sample fails during the numbat.R script, simply pass the same submission command and the existing pileups will be detected and used.

Running the Isabl wrapper

A convenience wrapper is provided by which takes additional arguments --isabl_project and --isabl_assay, where one specifies the name of the Isabl project and assay type (typically CELLRANGER) on which to run the analysis. This script also requires the installation of the Shah Lab isabl_utils to interact with the isabl API.

Usage help

usage: [-h] [--numbat_img NUMBAT_IMG] [--pileup_script PILEUP_SCRIPT] [--numbat_rscript NUMBAT_RSCRIPT] [--gmap GMAP] [--panel_dir PANEL_DIR] [--snp_vcf SNP_VCF] [--patient PATIENT]
                     [--samples SAMPLES] [--bams BAMS] [--barcodes BARCODES] [--mtxdirs MTXDIRS] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--UMItag UMITAG] [--cellTAG CELLTAG] [--genome_ver {hg19,hg38}] [--cores CORES]
                     [--mem MEM] [--walltime WALLTIME] [--trans TRANS] [--gamma GAMMA] [--min_cells MIN_CELLS] [--min_LLR MIN_LLR] [--init_k INIT_K] [--max_iter MAX_ITER] [--max_entropy MAX_ENTROPY]
                     [--multi_allelic] [--high_purity]

Run the Numbat allele specific scRNA copy number pipeline

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --numbat_img NUMBAT_IMG
                        The numbat image file
  --pileup_script PILEUP_SCRIPT
                        The numbat preprocessing pileup and phasing Rscript (default: /numbat/inst/bin/pileup_and_phase.R)
  --numbat_rscript NUMBAT_RSCRIPT
                        The Rscript to run numbat
  --gmap GMAP           Location of the Eagle genetic map for phasing (default: /Eagle_v2.4.1/tables/genetic_map_hg38_withX.txt.gz)
  --panel_dir PANEL_DIR
                        Directory of the 1000g reference panel (default: /data/1000G_hg38/)
  --snp_vcf SNP_VCF     SNP vcf (default: /data/genome1K.phase3.SNP_AF5e2.chr1toX.hg38.vcf)
  --patient PATIENT     Patient name.
  --samples SAMPLES     Comma seperated list of samples
  --bams BAMS           Comma seperated list of sample bams.
  --barcodes BARCODES   Comma seperated list of sample barcode files
  --mtxdirs MTXDIRS     Comma seperated list of matrix folders (filtered_feature_bc_matrix folder from 10X cellranger)
  --outdir OUTDIR       output directory
  --UMItag UMITAG       UMItag option for pileup script (default: Auto)
  --cellTAG CELLTAG     cellTAG option for pileup script (default: CB)
  --genome_ver {hg19,hg38}
                        Genome version (hg19, hg38) (default: hg38)
  --cores CORES         number of cores to use (default: 4)
  --mem MEM             amount of memory to use (default: 8)
  --walltime WALLTIME   amount of walltime to use (default: 48:00)
  --trans TRANS         Numbat HMM transmission probability (default: 1e-05)
  --gamma GAMMA         Numbat overdispersion parameter in allele counts (default: 20)
  --min_cells MIN_CELLS
                        Numbat minimum number of cells for which an pseudobulk HMM will be run (default: 50)
  --min_LLR MIN_LLR     Numbat minimum log-likelihood ratio threshold to filter CNVs by. (default: 5)
  --init_k INIT_K       Number of clusters in the initial clustering (default: 10)
  --max_iter MAX_ITER   Maximum number of iterations to run the phyologeny optimization (default: 2)
  --max_entropy MAX_ENTROPY
                        Entropy threshold to filter CNVs (default: 0.5)
  --multi_allelic       Flag to enable multi-allelic calling (default: True)
  --high_purity         Flag to detect and exclude regions of clonal deletions/LOH before running Numbat. Recommended for cell line data or high-purity tumors (default: False)


docker for numbat






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