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# circli - Unofficial CircleCI CLI

`circli` is an unofficial command-line interface for [CircleCI](, designed to be intuitive and efficient, inspired by the GitHub CLI (`gh`). It allows you to interact with CircleCI projects, pipelines, workflows, and jobs directly from your terminal.

**Note:** This CLI is under active development and is not yet feature-complete. It is not officially supported by CircleCI.

## Features

*   **Pipeline Management:**
    *   List pipelines for a project or organization.
    *   Trigger new pipelines.
    *   View pipeline details (including configuration and values).
*   **Workflow Management:**
    *   List workflows within a pipeline.
    *   View workflow details.
    *   Rerun workflows (from failed or specific jobs).
    *   Approve approval jobs.
    *   Cancel workflows.
*   **Job Management:**
    *   List jobs within a workflow.
    *   View job details.
    *   View job artifacts.
    *    View job test metadata
    *   Cancel jobs.
    *   View job logs (streaming supported).
* **Context Management:**
    * List, create, show, delete contexts
    * List, create, update and delete environment variables
* **Project Management**
    * Create project
    * Show project details
    * List, create, show, delete checkout keys
    * List, create, show, delete environment variables
    * Get, update project settings.
* **Insights:**
    * Get project summary metrics
    * Get workflows metrics
    * Get workflow summary metrics
    * List flaky tests
    * Get job time-series data.
    * Get a list of workflow runs.
    * Get workflow job metrics.
    * Get workflow test metrics.
* **Policy:**
    * Get, create, update, and delete policies.
    * Get decision logs.
    * Get/Set decision settings.
*   **Configuration:**
    *   Easy setup and management of API tokens and default settings.
*   **Output:**
    *   Human-readable output by default.
    *   JSON and YAML output options for scripting.

## Installation

### Prerequisites

*   Node.js (version 20 or later)
*   npm or pnpm

### Using pnpm (Recommended)

pnpm install --global circli

Using npm

npm install --global circli

Getting Started

  1. Obtain a CircleCI API Token:

  2. Configure circli:

    circli config set api-token <your-api-token>

    You can also set a default project slug:

    circli config set default-project-slug <your-project-slug>

    (e.g., gh/CircleCI-Public/api-preview-docs)

  3. Start using circli!

    circli pipeline list --project-slug <your-project-slug>


circli <command> <subcommand> [options] [args]

Available Commands:

  • config: Manage CLI configuration.
  • pipeline: Interact with pipelines.
  • workflow: Interact with workflows.
  • job: Interact with jobs.
  • context: Manage contexts.
  • project: Manage Projects.
  • insights: Retrieve insights data.
  • policy: Manage policies.
  • webhook: Manage webhooks
  • help: Display help information.
  • version: Display the CLI version.

Use circli <command> --help or circli <command> <subcommand> --help to see available options and subcommands.


  • List pipelines for a project:

    circli pipeline list --project-slug gh/CircleCI-Public/api-preview-docs
  • Trigger a new pipeline on the main branch:

    circli pipeline trigger gh/CircleCI-Public/api-preview-docs --branch main
  • Rerun a workflow from the failed job:

    circli workflow rerun <workflow-id> --from-failed
  • View job logs:

    circli job logs <job-number> --project-slug <project-slug>
  • Stream job logs:

    circli job logs <job-number> --project-slug <project-slug> --follow
  • List contexts

    circli context list --owner-slug <owner-slug>


To contribute to circli, you'll need:

  • Node.js 20+
  • pnpm
  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone  # Replace with your fork
    cd circli
  2. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Generate types from CircleCI OpenAPI Spec

    pnpm run generate-types
  4. Build the CLI:

    pnpm build
  5. Run the CLI locally:

    pnpm start -- <command> <subcommand> ...


    node --import tsx src/index.ts -- <command> <subcommand> ...
  6. Run tests:

     pnpm test


Contributions are welcome! Please see (to be created) for guidelines.


MIT License

**Key improvements and explanations in the README:**

*   **Clear Introduction:**  States the purpose of the CLI, mentions it's unofficial, and highlights its inspiration.
*   **Features:**  Provides a concise overview of the CLI's capabilities, organized by functional area.
*   **Installation:**  Gives clear instructions for installation using both `pnpm` (recommended) and `npm`.
*   **Getting Started:**  Walks the user through the essential steps of obtaining an API token and configuring the CLI.
*   **Usage:** Explains the general command structure and provides examples.
*   **Available Commands:** Lists the main commands, making it easy to discover functionality.
*   **Examples:**  Includes concrete examples of common commands, making it easier for users to get started.
*   **Development:** Provides clear instructions for setting up a development environment, building, running, and testing the CLI.  This encourages contributions.
*   **Contributing:**  Indicates that contributions are welcome and points to a (future) ``.
*   **License:** Specifies the license (MIT).
* **Executable:** includes how to run executable locally
* **pnpm dlx:** removed redundant `pnpm dlx`

This README provides a solid foundation for users and contributors to understand, use, and develop the `circli` CLI. Remember to create a `` file with more detailed contribution guidelines.