Wallabag client for Android.
This project is an Android app for reading and submitting articles to Wallabag (formerly Poche).
This app is based on the excellent work of Erik Pires' fork of the original app, adding:
- a new design (this'll be somewhat of an ongoing thing),
- code clean-up and refactoring to work with Android Studio,
- app thumbnails in the list of articles.
My other goals for this fork are to:
- improve the code further,
- add support to submit articles to wallabag without being redirected to the website,
- add support for tagging articles after 'wallabagging' them (much like Pocket does),
- improve syncing of read/unread status,
- improve security.
Most of those features are probably dependent on the development of an API in the upcoming version 2 of the wallabag-v2 backend as well.
This application is released under GPL and uses the following libraries and projects:
- Chris Banes' FloatLabelLayout, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
- Pixplicity's EasyPrefs (Apache license 2.0),
- Qbus' Cupboard (Apache License 2.0),
- Square's OkHttp (Apache License 2.0),
- Niek Haarman's ListViewAnimations (Apache License 2.0),
- and contains a style initially generated by the Action Bar Style Generator (Apache License 2.0)