// TODO -- You know, actually describe what Honor CODE is and how to use it
Thank you, Donnie Pinkston, for mentoring me (patiently!) throughout this project. I have really appreciated receiving your advice, taking your classes, hearing your stories, and exploring tangents. You have been an key part of my experience as a CS major and in maintaining my sanity at Caltech.
Thank you, Caltech's Board of Control and academic Honor Code, for inspiring this project (for better or for worse...). This journey has been a ride!
Thank you to the masterminds behind much of the present-day research in source code plagiarism detection. The key papers and their contributors that inspired this project are listed below:
- "Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting"
- Saul Schleimer, Daniel S. Wilkerson, and Alex Aiken
- https://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/publications/papers/sigmod03.pdf
- "JPlag: Finding plagiarisms among a set of programs"
- Lutz Prechelt, Guido Malpohl, and Michael Philippsen
- http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/prechelt/Biblio/jplagTR.pdf
- "Investigating Student Plagiarism Patterns and Correlations to Grades"
- Jonathan Pierce and Craig Zilles
- http://zilles.cs.illinois.edu/papers/sigcse16-algae.pdf
Thank you, Diomidis Spinellis, for providing your source code tokenizer library (retrieved from https://github.com/dspinellis/tokenizer.git).
Thank you, Timothy Helton, for providing your C++ project template (retrieved from https://github.com/TimothyHelton/cpp_project_template.git).