ogm-kitchensink is a OGM demo app for AS 7 based on kitchensink
- JDK 6
- Maven 3
- Git
- JBoss AS 7 "Zap"
Set the environment variable JBOSS_HOME and ensure that it points to the installation directory of a JBoss AS 7 installation (tested against JBoss AS 7.0.1.Final "Zap")
Install the Hibernate 3 and OGM modules (needs to be only executes once)
$ mvn groovy:execute
Start JBoss AS 7
$ $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh
$ mvn clean package
$ mvn jboss-as:deploy
$ mvn test
$ mvn test -DremoteTests=true
Sign up for OpenShift account at - https://openshift.redhat.com
Install OpenShift Express command line tools
$ gem install rhc
Create OpenShift domain and app
$ rhc-create-domain -n <domain> $ rhc-create-app -a <app> -t jbossas-7.0 --nogit
Add the git repo created by rhc-create-app as remote
$ git remote add openshift <repo-url>
Push to Openshift
$ git push -f openshift master
Demo site - http://<app>-<domain>.rhcloud.com