A Webinterface for Jet.
With radar you can:
- Query Jet Bus States and Methods by path or (value) filter
- Get realtime updates when States and Methods are added or removed
- Get realtime updates when States change
- Set states to a new value
- Call methods
In general, the radar.html, radar.js, jet.js and radar.css must SOMEHOW be served by your http server. A jet daemon must also run (what else?).
The node-jet daemon has a built in webserver. Just point jetd.js to the radar folder:
$ sudo npm install node-jet -g
$ jetd.js /somepath/radar
The lua-jet daemon has NO built in webserver. You can run simple_webserver.lua which requires orbit to be installed:
$ sudo luarocks install orbit
$ cd /somepath/radar
$ ./simple_webserver
Both (http) servers listen on port 8080, so this link should point you to your radar.