While I stil check up on this project and its issues (and enjoy doing so), our family's new son leaves me with significantly less free time for maintenance than I would like. I would love to hear from one or a few people who are passionate and up-to-date on all things Swift if they have any interest in helping maintain this project. Thanks for any interest :)
You can install SwiftPhoenix Client via CocoaPods by adding the following to your Podfile
pod "SwiftPhoenixClient"
and running pod install
. From there you will need to add import SwiftPhoenixClient
in any ViewController you want it to be used.
Using the Swift Phoenix Client is extremely easy (and familiar if have used the Phoenix JS client).
The first thing you will need is to specify your Phoenix channel endpoint:
let socket = Phoenix.Socket(domainAndPort: "localhost:4000", path: "socket", transport: "websocket")
To specify a specific protocol you can use the prot
let socket = Phoenix.Socket(domainAndPort: "localhost:4000", path: "socket", transport: "websocket", prot: "https")
Additionally, you will want to identify the topic of the channel we are joining:
let topic: String? = "rooms:lobby"
Next we want to join our channel:
socket.join(topic: topic!, message: Phoenix.Message(subject: "status", body: "joining")) { channel in
let chan = channel as! Phoenix.Channel
chan.on("join") { message in
// A new player has joined the game
We will want to handle new messages (or events) on the channel:
chan.on("new:msg") { message in
let msg = message as! Phoenix.Message
// Fire ze missiles.
Just like above, you can handle any events that your Phoenix app is handling/broadcasting.
chan.on("user:entered") { message in
// A new user has entered the game.
chan.on("error") { message in
// Nuts
Check out the ViewController in this repo for a brief example of a simple iOS chat application using the Phoenix Chat Example
Also check out both the Swift and Elixir channels on IRC.
Read the README_pods.md
file to include this pod from a local copy (of a cloned repo). This may be necessary if you want to use the latest features, but they haven't been tagged and released to CocoaPods yet.
Currently works with Swift 2.0, Xcode 7.0, and Phoenix 1.0.1.
Tested with the Phoenix Chat Server example, upgraded to Phoenix 1.0.1.
SwiftPhoenixClient is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.