- Download newest Unity, JDK, Android SDK, ARToolkit5 Tools, ARToolkit5 for Unity
- https://unity3d.com/de/get-unity/download
- https://artoolkit.org/download-artoolkit-sdk
- Create Unity Account if needed
- Open Project (/ ARToolkit sample scene "Standard Asset Example Project" / "CubemarkerScene")
- Open Unity, import ARToolkit Tools, ARToolkit Package
- Switch Project Type to Android (File->Build Settings)
- Unity Edit->Preferences->External Tools set JDK Path and Android SDK Path
- Print example marker
- Build Settings -> Build (Export to game.apk)
- Install using Unity, Android Debug Bridge('adb install -r game.apk') or copy manually
- Change AR params if needed (Unity SceneGraph->ARToolKit->Inspektor, Threshold und Cutoff)
- "unable to list target platforms": Apply Android SDK patch tools_r25.2.3-windows.zip. [Help]
- "Plugins colliding error": delete libARWrapper.so and libc++_shared.so in PROJECT_DIR\Assets\Plugins\Android
- According to docs, an older Unity version is compatible with ARToolkit. This is not true, new Versions are also supported
- Known issue: Autofocus / camera resolution fix. Solution available but worse tracking?
- Change Object Material: Mesh Renderer -> Material -> Element 0 -> Click small far right circle
- Asset Store allows searching for free Assets (Textures, Shaders)
- Invisible boxes by disabling Mesh Renderer
- Object Layer should be "AR Background 2"
- Physically interacting Objects need "RigidBody" component
- "Marker Scene" contains "AR Tracked Object" component, set "stay visible" in seconds (f.i. 0.05)
- Tilt-Device-Physics requires Accelerometer C# Code Snippet
- Script File and Class name must match
- Hinge Joint
- Spring: 5000
- Damper: 15
- Limit Min: 0 (left), -45 (right)
- Limit Max: 45 (left), 0 (right)
- Flipper Controller
- Input Button: left or right button from canvas (Canvas has to be part of the scene!)
- Rest Position: 0 (L & R)
- -45 (left), 45 (right)
- Input Name: name of the input source witch is setted in the project preferences