Looking for a simple, responsive, theme for your Jekyll powered blog? Well look no further. Here be So Simple Theme, the followup to Minimal Mistakes -- by designer slash illustrator Michael Rose.
- Responsive templates. Looking good on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- Gracefully degrading in older browsers. Compatible with Internet Explorer 8+ and all modern browsers.
- Minimal embellishments and subtle animations.
- Readable typography to make your words shine.
- Support for large images to call out your favorite posts.
- Simple and clear permalink structure.
- Tags for Open Graph and Twitter Cards for a better social sharing experience.
- Vanilla custom 404 page to get you started.
General notes and suggestions for customizing So Simple Theme.
- Install Jekyll and read through the documentation if you haven't already.
- Fork the So Simple Theme repo
- Clone the repo you just forked to your computer.
- Edit
to personalize your site. - Check out the sample posts in
to see examples for pulling in large feature images, assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data. - Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation.
- Clone the following folders:
, andimages
. - Clone the following files and personalize content as need:
, andfeed.xml
. - Set the following variables in your
title: Site Title
description: Site description for the metas.
logo: site-logo.png
disqus_shortname: shortname
#Comment out url when working locally to resolve base urls correctly
url: http://whatever.com
# Owner/author information
name: Your Name
avatar: your-photo.jpg
email: [email protected]
# Social networking links used in footer. Update and remove as you like.
# For Google Authorship https://plus.google.com/authorship
google_plus: "http://plus.google.com/123123123123132123"
# Analytics and webmaster tools stuff goes here
# https://ssl.bing.com/webmaster/configure/verify/ownership Option 2 content= goes here
# Links to include in top navigation
# For external links add external: true
- title: About
url: /about
- title: Articles
url: /articles
- title: Google
url: http://google.com
external: true
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
timezone: America/New_York
pygments: true
markdown: kramdown
# https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Permalinks
permalink: /:categories/:title
├── _includes
| ├── browser-upgrade.html //prompt to upgrade browser on < IE8
| ├── footer.html //site footer
| ├── head.html //site head
| ├── navigation.html //site navigation and masthead
| └── scripts.html //jQuery, plugins, GA, etc.
├── _layouts
| ├── page.html //page layout
| └── post.html //post layout
├── _posts
├── assets
| ├── css //preprocessed less styles. good idea to minify
| ├── js
| | ├── main.js //jQuery plugins and settings
| | └── vendor //all 3rd party scripts
| └── less
├── images //images for posts and pages
├── _config.yml //Site options
├── about.md //about page
├── articles.html //lists all posts from latest to oldest
├── index.html //homepage. lists 10 latest posts
└── tags.html //lists all posts sorted by tag
Most of the variables found here are used in the .html files found in _includes
if you need to add or remove anything. A good place to start would be to change the title, tagline, description, logo (or avatar photo), and url of your site. When working locally comment out url
or else you will get a bunch of broken links because they are absolute and prefixed with {{ site.url }}
in the various _includes
and _layouts
. Just remember to uncomment url
when building for deployment or pushing to gh-pages...
Create a Disqus account and change disqus_shortname
in _config.yml
to the Disqus shortname you just setup. To enable commenting on a post, add the following to its front matter:
comments: true
Change your name, and avatar photo (crop it square at 200x200 or larger), email, and social networking urls. If you want to link to an external image on Gravatar or something similiar you'll need to edit the path in head.html
since it assumes it is located in /images
Including a link to your Google+ profile has the added benefit of displaying Google Authorship in Google search results if you've went ahead and applied for it.
Your Google Analytics ID goes here along with meta tags for Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools site verification.
Edit page/post titles and URLs to include in the site's navigation. For external links add external: true
# sample top navigation links
- title: About Page
url: /about
- title: Articles
url: /articles
- title: Other Page
url: /other-page
- title: External Link
url: http://mademistakes.com
external: true
The rest is just your average Jekyll config settings. Nothing too crazy here...
For the most part you can leave these as is since the author/owner details are pulled from _config.yml
. That said you'll probably want to customize the copyright stuff in footer.html
to your liking.
There are two main content layouts: post.html
(for posts) and page.html
(for pages). Both have support for large feature images that span the full-width of the screen, and both are meant for text heavy blog posts (or articles).
A good rule of thumb is to keep feature images nice and wide so you don't push the body text too far down. An image cropped around around 1024 x 256 pixels will keep file size down with an acceptable resolution for most devices. If you want to serve these images responsively I'd suggest looking at Picturefill or Adaptive Images.
The two layouts make the assumption that the feature images live in the images folder. To add a feature image to a post or page just include the filename in the front matter like so.
feature: feature-image-filename.jpg
thumb: thumbnail-image.jpg #keep it square 200x200 px is good
If you want to apply attribution to a feature image use the following YAML front matter on posts or pages. Image credits appear directly below the feature image with a link back to the original source.
feature: feature-image-filename.jpg
credit: Michael Rose #name of the person or site you want to credit
creditlink: http://mademistakes.com #url to their site or licensing
In the sample _posts
folder you may have noticed category: articles
in the front matter. I like keeping all posts grouped in the same folder. If you decide to rename or add categories you will need to modify the permalink in articles.md
along with the filename (if renaming).
For example. Say you want to group all your posts under blog/
instead of articles/
. In your post add category: blog
to the front matter, rename or duplicate articles.md
to blog.md
and change the permalink in that file to permalink: /blog/index.html
If done correctly /blog
should be a page listing all the site's posts.
Post and page thumbnails work the same way. These are used by Open Graph and Twitter Cards meta tags found in head.html
. If you don't assign a thumbnail the image you assigned to site.owner.avatar
in _config.yml
will be used.
Video embeds are responsive and scale with the width of the main content block with the help of FitVids.
Not sure if this only effects Kramdown or if it's an issue with Markdown in general. But adding YouTube video embeds causes errors when building your Jekyll site. To fix add a space between the <iframe>
tags and remove allowfullscreen
. Example below:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PWf4WUoMXwg" frameborder="0"> </iframe>
Twitter cards make it possible to attach images and post summaries to Tweets that link to your content. Summary Card meta tags have been added to head.html
to support this, you just need to validate and apply your domain to turn it on.
To make things easier I use LESS to build So Simple Theme's stylesheets. If you want to make some minor cosmetic alterations, take a look at variables.less
in assets/less/
. Changing some of the following variables can help make the theme your own. Just compile main.less
using your preprocessor of choice and off you go -- I like CodeKit for OS X and Prepros for Windows.
// Typography
// --------------------------------------------------
@base-font: 'source-sans-pro', sans-serif;
@heading-font: @base-font;
@caption-font: @base-font;
@code-font: 'source-code-pro', monospace;
@alt-font: 'volkorn', serif;
@doc-font-size: 16;
@doc-line-height: 24;
// Colors
// --------------------------------------------------
@body-color : #ebebeb;
@text-color : #333;
@base-color : #343434;
@comp-color : spin(@base-color, 180);
@border-color : @base-color;
@white : #fff;
@black : #000;
@accent-color : @black;
@link-color : #343434;
Having a problem getting something to work or want to know why I setup something in a certain way? Ping me on Twitter @mmistakes or file a GitHub Issue.
This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. So feel free to use this Jekyll theme on your site without linking back to me or using a disclaimer.
If you'd like to give me credit somewhere on your blog or tweet a shout out to @mmistakes, that would be pretty sweet.